Blood Clots and Social Security Disability

Blood clots are a universal condition that can affect anyone, sometimes for no apparent reason at all. According to Stop the Clot, almost one million people are estimated to be affected by deadly blood clots per year. Common conditions, such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE) cause 274 deaths daily on average in the United States, which is more than breast cancer, traffic accidents, and AIDS combined.

Guillain Barre Syndrome and Social Security Disability

Guillain Barre Syndrome, or GBS, is a very serious autoimmune disorder that causes your immune system to attack your nervous system. GBS results in widespread tingling and weakness of extremities which can lead to pain and even paralysis. The symptoms of this condition may include:

  • A prickling or tingling feeling
  • Weakness
  • Significant trouble standing or walking
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Difficulty breathing

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits Due to Guillain Barre Syndrome

Depending on the cause or severity of the syndrome, the symptoms may go away after only a few weeks of treatment. However, there are many instances in which this condition can last months or even years. This is especially true for people who have GBS in conjunction with another condition, such as AIDS or lupus.

If your symptoms are severe and long-term, it can become impossible to work. If you experience chronic pain, respiratory issues, limited mobility, or other restrictions, you may be qualified to receive Social Security Disability benefits.

Meeting a Social Security Disability Blue Book Listing

The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) blue book explains how the SSA evaluates different conditions to determine an individual’s eligibility for benefits. The symptoms caused by Guillain Barre Syndrome can be evaluated under a number of different listings. If your GBS has been caused by another condition, such as lymphoma, AIDS, or lupus, you may qualify based on the requirements for these conditions.

However, there are severe symptoms commonly caused by GBS that have their own listings, such as:

  • The major dysfunction of a joint – You may qualify for SSD benefits if Guillain Barre Syndrome has caused damage or discomfort in a major joint, making it difficult for you to walk or use your arms or hands to complete tasks.
  • Chronic respiratory insufficiency – If GBS has caused respiratory problems, significantly limiting intake of oxygen, you may be eligible for benefits.

In the unlikely event that you cannot find a listing that matches any of your specific GBS signs or symptoms, you may still receive approval for SSD benefits if you can otherwise provide evidence that the condition makes it impossible for you to perform the functions that would be needed to do any type of job.

Medical Evidence

When applying for SSD benefits for Guillain Barre Syndrome, it is essential to provide thorough medical documentation that provides evidence of the severity of your symptoms, including:

  • Physician’s note detailing your symptoms and prognosis
  • History of treatments and your response to those treatments
  • Imaging reports, such as x-rays or CT scans, showing damage to major joints
  • History of hospitalizations related to GBS symptoms

Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney Before You Apply

Even though Guillain Barre Syndrome can be an extremely limiting condition, many people with this syndrome are rejected for SSD benefits every year. These individuals likely did not receive approval because their application lacked vital information or documentation. The SSA follows very strict guidelines that must be met.

If you are unable to perform at any type of job due to GBS, and you need SSD benefits as soon as possible, you should seek the advice of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney. He or she can provide the knowledge you need in order to increase your chance of approval.

Chest Pain and Social Security Disability

Chest pain is a very common, and often quite serious, symptom caused by a variety of different medical conditions including angina, heart attack, heart disease, and pleurisy, among others. Depending upon the cause of the chest pain, this pain can lead to life threatening complications that can make it impossible to maintain a job.

Applying for Social Security Disability Due to Chest Pain

If your chest pain becomes unmanageable, and limits your ability to perform any type of work, you may consider applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

Cellulitis and Social Security Disability

Cellulitis is a serious skin infection caused by bacteria. This infection can be caused or worsened if an individual has a compromised immune system and/or an area of broken skin. The infection can become extremely dangerous if it spreads to the brain, spinal cord, or other areas of the body through the blood. The symptoms of cellulitis can include:

  • An infected area on the skin that has red streaks extending outward, or grows redder and/or increasingly painful.
  • Fever
  • Chills

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits Due to Cellulitis

Cellulitis can be an extremely serious, and even deadly, infection that affects your body very quickly. While some individuals with this condition are able to treat the infection using antibiotics and rest, others are not so fortunate. If the infection reaches the bloodstream, cellulitis can significantly affect your ability to work. If this is the case, it may be time to apply for Social Security Disability benefits.

The Social Security Administration does not frequently approve applications for benefits based on cellulitis. This is because the SSA has a requirement that your symptoms either need to have lasted for 12 months, or that they are expected to last for twelve months. As cellulitis is an infection that acts rather quickly and aggressively, it can be difficult to meet this requirement. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to qualify for benefits with cellulitis.

Qualifying for SSD Benefits with Cellulitis Symptoms

If your symptoms have caused or have been caused by skin lesions that have lasted for over 3 months, and are not responding to treatment, you may be able to qualify under the chronic skin condition listing. To qualify under this listing, your lesions must make it difficult for you to use your arms and/or legs.

Even if you do not meet a specific SSA listing, you may still be approved for benefits. One way to do so is to complete a physical residual functional capacity assessment. This assessment evaluates your abilities and limitations. If you are unable to perform any tasks that are necessary to maintain a job, you may receive approval for benefits.

Medical Evidence Needed When Applying for Social Security Disability

When applying for Social Security Disability benefits for cellulitis, it is essential to provide extensive documentation that demonstrates the severity and frequency of your symptoms. Evidence may include:

  • Physicians’ notes describing your diagnosis, symptoms, and prognosis
  • History of hospitalizations due to infection
  • History of treatments, and the outcome of those treatments
  • Residual functionality capacity assessment, including comments from your doctors

Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney to Handle Your Case

When struggling with a condition such as cellulitis, it can be crucial to receive financial assistance as soon as possible. In order to increase your chances of receiving approval, and possibly see financial assistance sooner, it is recommended that you seek the assistance of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney. A professional will understand the necessary qualifications and can help you find the evidence that you need to support your claim.

Bowel Incontinence and Social Security Disability

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits with Bowel Incontinence

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), about 18 million Americans suffer from bowel incontinence, which is the inability to hold in a bowel movement or to leak out of the rectum without knowing.

There are many causes of bowel incontinence that affect adults of all ages.

Back Pain and Social Security Disability

The most common type of chronic pain is back pain. This is largely because a large amount of pressure is placed on your back each day as you stand, sit, crouch, or lift objects. Back pain can be caused due to injuries, repetitive movements, overuse, or medical conditions. Conditions that commonly lead to back pain include:

Symptoms of back pain can include anything from shooting pains to numbness, and can range from mild to very severe.

Applying for Social Security Disability with Back Pain

If chronic pain has significantly restricted your ability to perform every day tasks required of you, it may be time to apply for Social Security Disability benefits.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) reviews many back pain related applications each year. Unfortunately, many are denied because the SSA expects individuals to be able to work through a certain degree of pain. Applicants will only be approved if their pain is ongoing, severe, and unresponsive to treatments. When applying for assistance, you must demonstrate that it is not possible or safe for you to continue working.

Back Pain and Problems that Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits

Due to the high volume of back pain related claims submitted, the SSA is particularly stringent when it comes to evaluating back pain applications. In order to receive approval there are specific criteria that you must meet, which may include:

Having a medically determinable cause for back pain. This means that, along with a doctor’s diagnosis, you also have an MRI, x-ray, or another form of documentation that indicates the cause of your pain, which could be nerve root compression, arthritis, or a number of other causes.

  • Your symptoms are severe, frequent, not responding to treatments, and are expected to last for more than 12 months.
  • The severe symptoms you experience cause functional limitation. Your back pain restricts your range of motion or otherwise limits your ability to perform typical daily activities or workplace tasks.

Medical Documentation Needed When Applying for Social Security Disability

When applying for SSD benefits due to back pain, it is essential to establish your credibility by providing ample medical evidence that demonstrates the cause, severity, and frequency of your back pain. This evidence may include:

  • X-rays, MRIs, or other reports illustrating the cause of your pain
  • Physicians’ notes describing your symptoms, limitations, and prognosis
  • History of treatments showing that you have tried to correct the problem, but continue to experience pain
  • Summarization of relevant hospital and clinic visits

The Importance of Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney

Individuals with back problems are among the most frequently rejected for benefits, even when their symptoms are quite severe. A qualified Social Security Disability attorney will be able to help you create the strongest case possible, demonstrating that you meet the requirements for approval. If you truly need financial assistance while struggling with back pain, do not be afraid to seek guidance and support during the application process.

Gout and Social Security Disability

Gout is a very complex and painful form of arthritis that is caused by a build up of uric acid. This excess of uric acid in the body often causes kidney stones as well as uric acid deposits in the joints. Gout most frequently affects the joints in the big toe; however the ankles, knees, heels, wrists, and any other major joints may also be affected. Symptoms of gout include:

  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Burning
  • Joints that are tender to the touch

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits with Gout

There are two different types of gout—acute and chronic. Those who suffer from acute gout may be able to recover with the help of treatments and lifestyle changes. Chronic gout, however, can cause reoccurring and ongoing joint problems that make it very difficult to work.

If your acute gout has caused a deformity, or if you suffer from chronic symptoms, you may be able to receive approval for Social Security Disability benefits. The key to gaining approval is to meet the requirements included in the Social Security Disability blue book.

Qualifying for SSD Benefits Due to Inflammatory Arthritis

Because gout is a form of arthritis, the SSA will likely evaluate your symptoms using the requirements listed under inflammatory arthritis. This listing states that in order to be eligible for approval, you must be diagnosed with gout, and suffer from one of the following limitations:

  • Your condition has caused damaged to your ankle, knee, hip, or any other major weight-bearing joint, in a manner that makes it significantly difficult for you to walk without a walker or two crutches.
  • Your condition has caused damage in a major joint in each arm, such as your hand, shoulder, or wrist—making it significantly difficult for you to perform activities of daily living. This includes grasping, pushing, pulling, or lifting.

Of course, even if you do not meet these requirements specifically, it may still be possible for you to receive approval for SSD benefits because of your gout. If you do not meet these requirements, but your symptoms or treatments make it impossible for you to work, you may be able to receive approval by demonstrating your limitations.

Medical Documentation Necessary When Applying for SSD Benefits for Gout

Because acute gout can often be treated with medication and lifestyle changes, it is essential that you provide adequate medical documentation demonstrating that you have sought proper treatments, and that you continue to suffer from complications. If your gout has lasted for less than 12 months, it will be very important to demonstrate that you have not responded favorably to treatment.

Necessary medical evidence may include:

  • Physician’s notes detailing the severity of your symptoms
  • History of treatments, and your response to those treatments
  • Imaging results of the major joints affected
  • Any other applicable lab results or reports pertaining to the frequency and severity of your symptoms

The Importance of Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney

Many people who have gout are denied each year because their applications do not satisfy the requirements.

You can reduce the risk of being rejected and receive the help that you need by hiring an experienced Social Security Disability attorney. By doing so, you can benefit from the knowledge and advise that will keep you from making common application mistakes.

Epstein-Barr Virus and Social Security Disability

The Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV, is an extremely contagious variant of the herpes family of viruses. Studies have shown that roughly 95% if all adults have been exposed to this virus at some point in their lives. The virus remains dormant in the body for the rest of your life, and can be passed to others, even when you are not showing symptoms. They symptoms of EBV can include:

  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Aches
  • Headache
  • Nasal Congestion

In some cases, the Epstein-Barr virus can lead to mononucleosis, often referred to as mono, which can result in:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Swollen glands
  • Rash

Applying for Social Security Disability When Diagnosed with Epstein-Barr

Most people who contract EBV recover from their symptoms within a few months. However, some individuals suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, or difficulty concentrating, for a much longer period of time—making it difficult to work. If you are a chronic sufferer of the Epstein-Barr virus, and you are unable to perform at any type of job, you might consider applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

The duration of your illness will be one of the biggest obstacles to face when applying. The SSA requires that, in order to be eligible for benefits, your disability must limit your ability to work for more than twelve months. If it has been less than 12 months since you were diagnosed with EBV, you will need to provide substantial evidence that due to the severity of your condition, or other complications, your symptoms are expected to last longer than a year.

Qualifying for SSD Benefits Due to Epstein-Barr Virus Symptoms

In order to receive approval for Social Security Disability benefits, your symptoms must meet the requirements of at least one of the SSA’s listings. You can also complete a physical residual functional capacity assessment, demonstrating that your EBV symptoms limit your ability to work.

Epstein-Barr often causes aches and pains throughout the body. If your chronic symptoms make it difficult for you to perform common job-related tasks, such as lifting objects, pushing, pulling, standing, or walking, you may be able to meet the requirements of a listing.

Chronic fatigue is another EBV symptom that the SSA may evaluate when determining your eligibility. Many people suffering from the Epstein-Barr virus are unable to work a complete 8-hour day without many breaks. This factor would be taken into consideration when determining your ability to work.

Medical Evidence Needed When Applying for SSD Benefits for Epstein-Barr

It can be very challenging to gather the medical documentation necessary to receive approval for Social Security Disability benefits. You not only need to demonstrate that your symptoms are severe enough to limit your abilities, but also that the symptoms are expected to last for more than 12 months. Examples of the documentation you need to provide include:

  • Physician’s notes explaining your symptoms and prognosis
  • History of treatments and your response to those treatments
  • Documentation illustrating any complications caused by the EBV
  • History of hospitalizations related to the EBV

The Importance of Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney When Applying

Epstein-Barr may affect you quite unexpectedly, forcing you to stop working suddenly. If you expect that you won’t be able to return to work for quite some time, you will need to receive Social Security Disability benefits as soon as possible to protect yourself financially. In order to increase your chances of receiving approval, it is strongly recommended that you enlist the services of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney.