Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Social Security Disability

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a skin condition that creates cysts and abscesses that are similar to those formed by severe acne. These problems can occur anywhere on the skin, but tend to occur more frequently in areas containing a lot of sweat glands, such as the groin and armpits. The sores also commonly develop around joints, or anywhere else that skin tends to rub together. Especially if left untreated, severe symptoms can develop, including:

  • Inflamed and tender lesions
  • Skin infections
  • Broken skin and puss
  • Itching and irritation

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

As with severe acne, there is no known cure for hidradenitis suppurativa. There are treatments that can be applied to provide relief from the symptoms, and many people are able to function normally with this condition. However, there are also individuals who experience symptoms that are much more severe, and experience very painful symptoms that do not respond favorable to treatments.

If you suffer from hidradenitis suppurativa, and the symptoms significantly limit your ability to work, it may be possible for you to receive Social Security Disability benefits to supplement your income. There are two primary ways that this condition restricts and individual’s ability to function at a job, and those are persistent skin lesions and infections, or difficulty moving and walking. The SSA will evaluate these symptoms in order to determine if you are eligible to receive assistance.

Qualifying for SSD Benefits Due to Hidradenitis Suppurativa Symptoms

The Social Security Disability blue book details the medical conditions, and symptoms, that qualify people to receive approval for benefits. Individuals suffering from hidradenitis suppurativa most frequently qualify under the dermatitis listing. When evaluating your symptoms within this category, the SSA looks for evidence that:

  • You have skin lesions that effect two or more extremities, or on both sides of the groin.
  • AND

  • The skin lesions have persisted for at least three months and have not been responding to treatment.

If your skin lesions do not meet these requirements, it may still be possible to receive approval for benefits based on your limitations. If your hidradenitis suppurativa symptoms affect your ability to use a major joint, including your ability to stand, sit, walk, or use your arms, you may be able to qualify under the dysfunction of a major joint listing. Otherwise, you may be able to qualify by completing a residual functional capacity assessment that will evaluate your specific limitations.

Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney to Help with Your Application

As many people are able to function with hidradenitis suppurativa, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is especially stringent when it comes to the information you must provide to demonstrate that the condition has significantly limited your abilities. Many people are rejected for benefits because they are unable to provide adequate evidence, or do not fully understand how the SSA evaluates these cases.

You can avoid the common mistakes made during the application process by enlisting the services and assistance of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney. By hiring an attorney who has successfully handled many of these applications in the past, you can have all of your most difficult questions answered and feel more confident regarding your outcome.

Healthy Food Options for Your Super Bowl Party

Super bowl parties cannot be complete without tons of great food. The regular food eaten while watching the super bowl does not exactly make up to healthy food choices. Nachos, beer, chips, chicken, pizza and much more- all these take-out foods and store bought snacks are jam-packed with sodium and fat.

For those who have altered their eating habits and turned to workouts this New Year, super bowl parties might seem as an irresistible temptation to cheat. For some, it’s a big food holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving. Well the good news is that you need not compromise your health habits to fit into Super Bowl Party. Instead, choose from a plethora of healthy options for your big food party.

Some of these healthful delicacies are listed below.

  • Turkey meatballs: Turkey might not sound very healthy. But stuffing your meatballs with garlic, parsley, scallions, and other greener options can help in combining the tasteful with the healthful.
  • Whole wheat dough: Whether it’s pizza, sandwich, or any of its derivative; choose whole wheat dough over others. Not only is it rich in fiber, it is also free from dangerous white carbs. If it is not available in your area, make your own and smother it with wholesome options like red peppers or turkey pepperoni.
  • Low-fat Guacamole: This dish comprises of almost half the fat in store bought guac. The trick is to use peas with just a little bit of avocado. Add extra spices and garlic if you don’t like the sweet taste of peas. Unlike the store version which has 100 calories, one serving of this dish contains only 67 calories. Enjoy it as a healthy snack before half time.
  • The perfect light cocktail: Under hard alcohols, vodka contains the lowest calories. Forget the beer; instead go for a delicious and light cocktail. Blend vodka with light lemonade and tonic water. Your 80 calories drink is ready to go.
  • Apple pie: End the world’s favorite game with the world’s favorite dessert. Replace the typical butter loaded crust with the low fat honey graham crackers and your apple pie is less wicked than the one in the bakery. With a combination of oats and apples, this delicacy is perfect to satiate your sweet tooth while staying healthy.

So when you are enjoying the game, you can also enjoy the food without having to get away from your healthy lifestyle.

Retinitis Pigmentosa and Social Security Disability

Retinitis pigmentosa is a genetic disorder of the eye, which affects the rods and cones of the retina. This disorder is progressive, and gradually weakens the peripheral vision, and in some cases the central field of vision. While the damage does worsen over time, few individuals with this disorder are rendered totally blind. The symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa may include:

  • Night vision problems in the early stages
  • Trouble seeing and focusing in low light
  • Loss of peripheral vision
  • Loss of central vision in more severe cases

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits with Retinitis Pigmentosa

In the beginning stages of retinitis pigmentosa, individuals may need to refrain from driving at night, and may have difficulty reading in low light, but as the disorder progresses, as does the vision loss. In advanced cases of retinitis pigmentosa, it is not unusual to experience severely affected side, or peripheral vision, followed by affected central vision. If your vision loss progresses to the point where you can no longer safely or effectively function at a job, you should consider applying for Social Security Disability benefits in order to support yourself financially.

The SSA has what is often referred to as the blue book, which simply lists medical conditions, as well as the requirements for qualifying for benefits. Retinitis pigmentosa is not a condition that is specifically listed in the blue book, but there is a category for individuals who have experienced peripheral or central vision loss. In order to receive approval for benefits, you must be able to prove that your vision loss meets the requirements of at least one of these listings.

How the SSA Evaluates Retinitis Pigmentosa

There are two listings in the Social Security Disability blue book that may pertain to your vision loss: loss of peripheral vision and loss of central vision. In order to qualify under the loss of peripheral vision listing, you must meet at least one of the following requirements in your better eye:

  • The widest diameter of your visual field is no more than 20 degrees from the point of fixation.
  • You have a visual field efficiency of 20% or less.
  • You have a mean deviation of -22 or worse, measured by automated static threshold perimety.

If you have experienced central vision loss, you may be able to qualify for SSD benefits by demonstrating that you are what is considered legally blind. To meet the low vision or partial blindness requirement, your better eye must have vision equal to or worse than 20/200 vision.

If you do not meet any of the previously stated requirements, but your retinitis pigmentosa symptoms or treatments otherwise make it impossible for you to work, you may still be able to receive approval for Social Security Disability benefits if you can provide strong medical evidence.

Acceptable Medical Evidence>>>

Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney When Applying for Benefits

Even if you feel that you have a strong case, it is imperative to enlist the services of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney when completing the application process. By doing so, you can avoid costly mistakes that frequently cause delays or rejections. A qualified and knowledgeable attorney will help you submit a complete and accurate application the first time and represent you at your hearing if necessary.

More on the benefits of hiring an attorney>>>

Piriformis Syndrome and Social Security Disability

Piriformis Syndrome is a rare neuromuscular disorder that affects the piriformis muscle and the sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle is a muscle located in the buttocks, near the lower back and hip joints. This muscle is crucial for the healthy movement of the hips and legs. Piriformis syndrome causes the piriformis muscle to compress the sciatic nerve, which goes down the back of the legs and ends in the feet. When the sciatic nerve is compressed, this results in the following symptoms:

  • Numbness, tingling, or pain that begins in the buttocks and extends down the legs
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Swelling of the lower back and/or hips
  • Trouble walking, climbing stairs, sitting, or other physical activities

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits for Piriformis Syndrome

If the symptoms associated with piriformis syndrome are mild, it may be possible to manage the pain through treatments, such as physical therapy, and/or pain medications. However, if the symptoms are quite severe, it can be challenging to perform daily activities, such as getting dressed, which makes it nearly impossible to function at a job. While piriformis syndrome is not a condition that is specifically listed in the Social Security Disability blue book, your symptoms may still qualify you for automatic approval for the benefits that you need.

Qualifying for SSD Benefits Due to Piriformis Syndrome Symptoms

There are two ways in which you may be able to receive approval for Social Security Disability benefits because of your piriformis syndrome symptoms:

Meet the Requirements of a Blue Book Listing – While piriformis syndrome may not specifically be listed, your symptoms may equal those of another condition. The requirements you are most likely going to meet are going to be those related to major joint dysfunction. You may be eligible for automatic approval if you can demonstrate, using strong medical evidence, that your condition makes it difficult for you to walk, stand, or sit for extended periods of time without the use of a walker or crutches.


Prove That Your Symptoms are Limiting Your Abilities – Just because you cannot find a listing that perfectly matches your symptoms does not mean that you are not eligible. You can complete a Residual Functional Capacity assessment, which will determine if your medical restrictions are significant enough to keep you from working.

The Importance of Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney

Individuals suffering from piriformis syndrome are often faced with a daunting challenge when applying for Social Security Disability benefits. It is less clear and straightforward what the SSA will require of you in order to grant an approval for assistance. This is why it is especially important to enlist the guidance of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney if you have this condition.

Reasons to hire an attorney>>>

Raynaud’s Disease and Social Security Disability

Raynaud’s disease often resembles the signs of frostbite, as it causes areas of the body to feel cold and numb. This affect is due to the narrowing of arteries limiting the supply of blood to certain body parts. Cold temperatures or high levels of stress cause attacks of limited circulation; as the blood returns after the attack, the arteries can swell and cause pain. The areas of the body most frequently affected by Raynaud’s disease are the toes, fingers, nose, and ears, and symptoms may include:

Sinus Bradycardia and Social Security Disability

Sinus bradycardia is a variety of cardiac arrhythmia, which refers to medical conditions that lead to irregularities in the functions of the heart. This arrhythmia specifically causes the sinus node within the heart to contract too slowly, resulting in fewer beats per minute than necessary. An individual with this condition will usually have a heart rate of between 50 to 60 beats per minute. Symptoms of sinus bradycardia may include:

  • Blackouts
  • Low blood pressure
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Fatigue
  • Fainting
  • Vertigo

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits for Sinus Bradycardia

The severity of your symptoms, when suffering from this heart condition, will largely depend on how slowly your heart is beating. If the symptoms are quite severe and frequent, it can make it dangerous or impossible for you to continue to function at most types of jobs. In which case, you might consider applying for Social Security Disability benefits in order to support yourself financially.

When applying for SSD benefits, you must consider how the Social Security Administration is going to evaluate your eligibility. Your symptoms and qualifications will be evaluated using one of the listings within the SSA blue book, which determines the requirements for approval. While there is not a specific listing for sinus bradycardia, there are listings that regard general cardiovascular conditions, as well as heart disease, which might match your symptoms.

Meeting the Requirements to Qualify for SSD Benefits

It is comparatively easier to receive approval for benefits if your symptoms clearly meet qualifications that are detailed in the blue book. In order for your sinus bradycardia to meet a listing within the cardiovascular section of the blue book, both of the following must be true:

  • Your arrhythmia did not originate from a reversible cause.
  • AND

  • You have uncontrolled repeated episodes of cardiac syncope (fainting) or near syncope

Even if you do not meet these specific requirements, there is still a chance that you can receive approval for SSD benefits if you can meet the requirements of another listing, or demonstrate that the sinus bradycardia symptoms or treatments significantly limit your ability to work. It is possible to complete a residual functional capacity test, which will evaluate your ability to perform common work-related tasks.

Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney to Help You Apply

The best way to increase the likelihood that you will receive approval for benefits is to seek the guidance of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney. By doing so, you can work directly with a professional who understands more clearly how the SSA will be evaluating your application. Your attorney will help you create the strongest case possible.

More info on the benefits of hiring an attorney>>>

Paralysis and Social Security Disability

According to the Christopher and Diana Reeve Foundation, 5,596,000 million people are suffering from paralysis, or about 1 in 50 Americans, with another 1,275,000 people paralyzed specifically due to spinal cord injuries. Paralysis can be caused by a number of different conditions, including stroke, cerebral palsy, and more.

If you or a loved one has been paralyzed and are no longer able to work, there may be financial support available. The Social Security Administration offers benefits to those with severely disabling conditions who are struggling to make ends meet.

Trabecular Cancer and Social Security Disability

Trabecular cancer is a rare and very aggressive form of Merkel cell carcinoma. This type of cancer forms on, or just below, the skin, or in the hair follicles. It is a form of cancer that is caused by the Merkel cell polyomavirus. There are no definite known causes for this type of cancer, but those who receive high levels of UV light are thought to be at a higher risk. Symptoms of trabecular cancer include:

  • Firm, painless, shiny lumps on the skin
  • These areas of the skin are discolored (typically red, pink, or brown)
  • The spots can begin a ¼” in size, but grow very quickly

Applying for Social Security Disability with Trabecular Cancer

Trabecular cancer, which is a form of Merkel cell carcinoma, can spread very quickly to other areas of the body. Treatment for this condition includes having the tumors removed from the skin, as well as extensive radiation and chemotherapy treatments. During this process, it is obviously not possible to continue working at a job, and they highest priority is keeping the individual as comfortable as possible.

People suffering from highly aggressive cancers do not have the time to wait years, or even months, to receive Social Security Disability benefits, and therefore, must complete the application process correctly the first time. Merkel cell carcinoma is a condition within the Social Security Administration’s Compassionate Allowance program, meaning that it is possible to receive approval at a faster rate if you meet the requirements.

Qualifying for SSD Benefits under the Merkel Cell Carcinoma evaluation

Even though the SSA may have made it slightly easier to receive benefits if you have trabecular cancer, proof of your diagnosis alone will not necessarily guarantee an approval. You must still meet the qualifications within the Merkel Cell Carcinoma listing in the SSA blue book.

In order to be considered eligible for benefits, your condition must meet the following requirements:

  • Carcinoma or sarcoma with metastases to or beyond the regional lymph nodes
  • OR

  • One of the following two statements applies:
    • The cancer is recurrent after wide excision.
    • Metastases to one or more clinically apparent nodes, to four not clinically apparent nodes, or to additional sites on the skin.

Simply put, the SSA will be looking evidence that the trabecular cancer is recurrent and/or that it has spread to other areas of the body.

Medical Evidence Necessary When Applying for SSD Benefits

Again, applying for Social Security Disability is much more complex than simply proving that you have received a trabecular cancer diagnosis. It is necessary to provide extensive medical documentation that will clearly illustrate your diagnosis, the history of your treatments, the progression of your cancer, and your prognosis.

Acceptable Medical Sources

Hiring a Social Security Disability Attorney

If you would like to avoid the application errors that result in rejections, and reduce the amount of time you are waiting to receive assistance, it is strongly recommended that you enlist the services of a qualified and experienced Social Security Disability attorney.

Benefits of Hiring a Disability Attorney

Psoriasis and Social Security Disability

Psoriasis is a fairly common chronic skin condition that results in an accelerated buildup of skin cells. The result in this overproduction of skin cells is skin that is white, scaly, and itchy. While for some people, psoriasis is just an irritation, others experience more severe symptoms, including:

  • Inflammation, swelling, and redness
  • Joint pain
  • Arthritis
  • Infections of the skin
  • Burning sensation on the skin

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits Due to Psoriasis

If your psoriasis symptoms are mild, working is likely not a problem for you. However, severe psoriasis symptoms that cause intense pain, serious infections, or mobility problems can greatly restrict your ability to perform at any type of job. This is when it would be necessary to apply for Social Security Disability benefits in order to support yourself financially.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has what is commonly referred to as their blue book. This book contains numerous medical listings, as well as symptoms that would possibly make individuals eligible for SSD benefits. When applying due to psoriasis, your symptoms would be evaluated under the dermatitis listing in the blue book. In order to receive approval, you must meet the requirements in this listing.

Qualifying for SSD Benefits Under the Dermatitis Listing

The guidelines for eligibility under the dermatitis listing are fairly simple. You must first receive a psoriasis diagnosis, or any other dermatitis diagnosis, and have experienced extensive skin lesions that have persisted for at least three months. It is also required that you show evidence that you have made efforts to have the lesions treated, but they are not responding.

The SSA defines extensive skin lesions as:

  • Lesions on both palms that restrict your ability to use your hands
  • Lesions on both feet that restrict your ability to stand or walk
  • Lesions that make it difficult for you to move at least two extremities, meaning your legs, arms, or a combination.
  • Lesions on the perineum and/or surrounding the groin.

If you do not have excessive skin lesions, but suffer from other severe symptoms, such as arthritis, because of your psoriasis, you may be able to qualify under a different listing, such as the inflammatory arthritis listing or the listing for the major dysfunction of a joint. It is also possible to complete a residual functional capacity assessment in order to demonstrate your limitations.

It is important to include all medical documentation and doctor’s opinions related to your disability.

More info on submitting medical documentation

Hiring a Disability Attorney

It is important to choose a highly qualified and experienced attorney that will help you avoid common mistakes, and create a very strong application. Disability Attorneys work on a contingency basis and are not paid unless you are awarded benefits.

More Info on Hiring an Attorney