Exertional Impairment
According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), an exertional impairment is any type of impairment that limits your mobility. When determining whether or not you have an exertional impairment, the SSA will review whether you can stand up and walk without needing to rest, how long you can sit down without needing to get up, and whether or not you can kneel, climb or bend over. How much, if any, weight you can lift is also considered. If it is found that you suffer from any or a combination of these impairments, it will be determined that you have an exertional impairment.
Under Social Security rules, an exertional impairment will be found if you cannot stand up and walk for at least two hours without experiencing serious discomfort or if you cannot remain seated for at least two hours straight. If you can prove that you cannot perform these tasks, you will be deemed as being severely limited exertionally.
When filing for Social Security Disability benefits you can be approved on the basis of exertional impairments, nonexertional impairments, or a combination of both. In fact, if you are able to combine nonexertional impairments with any exertional impairments that you suffer from, it may increase your chances of being approved for Social Security Disability benefits.
For example, if the SSA finds that you are able to do only light work due to your exertional impairments, but your non-exertional impairments, such as a mood disorder, prevents you from performing such work, you will be more apt to be approved for disability benefits from the SSA.