President Obama Helps Elk River Woman Receive Benefits

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One woman’s persistency earned her not only the Social Security benefits she had waited years for, but the intervention of the President of the United States.

Lois Dare is a cancer survivor who struggles with diabetes and heart problems. Several times a day, Dare has to be hooked to an oxygen tank to compensate for the damage to her lung, leaving her undoubtedly unable to stay employed.

How to Apply for Disability with Leukemia or Lymphoma

Submitted by Ram on

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects more than 40,000 people annually, and for which there is no known cure. It occurs when blood cells in the bone marrow, their place of production, grow out of control. There are four common types of leukemia based on which type of cells are affected, whether myeloid or lymphoid cells, whether acute or chronic, and whether it occurs in mature or immature cells. The most common type which affects adults is acute myeloid leukemia; more than 12,000 people a year are diagnosed.

Compassionate Allowance - Heart Transplant Graft Failure

Most of the time, the process of applying for and receiving approval for Social Security Disability benefits is filled with frustration and disappointment; among first-time applicants, as many as 7 of every 10 are denied. By some estimates, that number is conservative. With that in mind, it becomes easier to understand why the appeal process is so bogged down. For those applicants who decide to continue their quest for benefits, the next step is the appeal process.

Fort Worth Social Security Disability Resources

Originally known as “Cowtown” in beginning of the Wild West, Fort Worth has since become the sixteenth-largest city in the U.S; the fifth-largest city in the state of Texas. Fort Worth’s large geographic coverage encompasses a quad-county area of 300 square miles, and includes the counties of Tarrant, Parker, Denton, and Wise. Fort Worth had a population of 741,206, of that approximately 14.2% are disabled.

Duluth Man convicted of Social Security Disability Fraud

Submitted by Ram on

Fraud is a big problem which plagues the Social Security Administration (SSA)’s Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program – a crime which the federal government continues to prosecute with heavy fines, prison time, and probation. Some people who commit Social Security Disability Insurance fraud succeed in receiving undeserved funds from the SSA for a matter of years before they are caught, as in the case of a Duluth man who was recently convicted.

How to Apply for Disability with Ovarian Cancer

Submitted by Ram on

September is Ovarian Cancer awareness month, thus now would be a good time to talk about applying for disability benefits with ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer which develops in the ovaries, a pair of female reproductive glands in which eggs are formed. Most ovarian cancer either forms on the surface of the ovary or inside the egg cells. Ovarian cancer is part of a larger group of cancers known as gynecologic cancers, affecting approximately 82,000 women annually in the United States and resulting in more than 14,000 deaths last year alone.

Social Security Disability may deplete by 2017

Submitted by Ram on

A recent report based upon Congressional estimates suggests that the trust funds which fund the Social Security Administration (SSA)’s disability programs (SSDI and SSI) may completely run out of money within about 6 years. While we’ve been hearing for years that the Social Security system’s future was in dire financial straits, this latest news makes a very grim reality out of what had previously seemed to be the pessimistic rants of governmental doomsday prophets.

There are several different factors which have added up to create this unpleasant forecast. First of all, during those rare occasions in years past when the Social Security system was taking in more money than it was paying out, those excess dollars were utilized to fund other programs rather than being squirreled away for future use. Although there was some token intent to eventually replenish those funds, the genuineness of that intent was seemingly rather dubious at best.

Secondly, during the 1980s Congress somewhat loosened the eligibility criteria for disability benefits. During the previous decade these standards had been made more stringent in a rather successful attempt to reduce the agency’s expenditures, even as the country’s economy floundered during the early 1980s. Congress reversed these stricter standards, resulting in an increase of beneficiaries by 1984.

Another contributing factor is the country’s current economic downturn. As our unemployment rate increasingly inches toward double-digit levels, more and more displaced workers are attempting to receive disability benefits. Also, those who are disabled but employed may be among the first to be laid off when companies seek to tighten their financial belts, leaving these workers no choice but to rely on their disability benefits for income. It is anticipated that approximately 3.3 million people will apply for disability benefits this year, an increase of roughly 1 million over a decade ago.
In addition to the financial woes faced by the disability programs, it has also been estimated that the SSA’s retirement funds will be exhausted by 2037, which is approximately 20 years after the disability programs are insolvent unless Congress intervenes.

Congressional estimates suggest that nearly 1.4 billion dollars’ worth of overpayments were sent out last year, most often as payments to those who no longer qualified to receive them. Most of us have heard the stories of those whose relatives continued to collect disability and/or retirement benefits for deceased family members. Congress’ plan is to invest approximately 4 billion dollars in ways to detect and eliminate these unnecessary expenditures and hopefully save about 12 billion dollars over the next decade.
At this point, it appears that very few if any legitimate solutions to this impending crisis are on the table. For those who are disabled and in need of disability benefits, there may already be a wait of more than a year-long wait to receive their benefits. It is obvious that the current system has been ailing for a long time. As the baby boomer generation increasingly taxes this system, America could be facing a dire economic future as the nation’s largest ever population reaches retirement age.

Compassionate Allowance - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

The human heart is incredibly simple, yet very complex at the same time. It is simple in the fact that it is really just a large muscle; its complexity lies in the finely coordinated contractions of different parts of that muscle in order to circulate freshly oxygenated blood throughout the body, while at the same time recirculating the oxygen poor blood back to the heart and on to the lungs to receive more oxygen.