When Should I Check In on My Disability Case?

Submitted by Deanna on

Disability benefits are a form of financial assistance offered through the Social Security Administration (SSA) to those who live with a disability. If you are disabled and have become unable to work, you can apply for disability benefits to help cover the expenses related to medical bills and everyday living.

If you have already applied for benefits and are unsure about the status of your application, don’t hesitate to check in with the SSA and continue to do so, ensuring that you are kept in the loop of your disability benefits application process.

Consultive Exams And Your Disability Application

Submitted by Deanna on

If your disability makes it so that you are unable to work and you need financial assistance, you can apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA). These benefits can help you pay for your everyday living expenses and medical bills.

The application process for disability benefits can be lengthy and complicated, and the SSA may request that you complete a consultative medical exam as part of your application materials. Read more about what a consultative exam means and entails.

Shoulder Pain and Social Security Disability Benefits

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits with Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a very common condition that affects millions of Americans, as many as 8 million or 2.5 percent of the population, a study done by the University of Granada reported. There are a variety of different causes, including liver disease, heart disease, dislocation, rotator cuff tear or disease, frozen shoulder, bursitis, fractures, and arthritis.

Do Disability Benefits Continue After Death?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides financial assistance in the form of disability benefits to workers who have become disabled and unable to work. These benefits can help pay for the costs of medical care and everyday living expenses.

If the person receiving disability benefits used them to support others, such as a spouse or children, and they pass away, assistance is still available to those survivors as long as they meet certain criteria.

Are Disability Benefits Excluded from Gross Income?

Disability benefits are offered through the Social Security Administration (SSA) to help those who are unable to work and earn an income due to a disabling medical condition.

Further Reading: What Conditions Qualify For Disability?

When it comes to filing your annual taxes with the IRS while receiving disability benefits, there are certain factors to consider that may affect the process. These factors are discussed below.

Chronic Insomnia and Social Security Disability

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits with Insomnia

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 10 percent of adults have chronic insomnia and as many as 50 percent have occasional or short-term insomnia, which can wreak havoc on the lives of those suffering from the condition.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) may be able to help you if insomnia is affecting your ability to work. It offers two types of benefit programs to provide financial assistance to those with a disability.

Lupus and Social Security Disability

Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits with Lupus

According the Lupus Foundation of America, lupus affects 1.5 million Americans, and 90 percent of those diagnosed are women. Though there are a few different types of lupus, the most common by far is systemic lupus, which has the potential to damage major body organs.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lupus and can no longer work, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may be able to help. It has two benefit programs available to help those with disabilities who are in need.

Tips for Success: Appeals Council

If you are denied Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA), you will most likely go through different stages of an appeals process in hopes of getting approval for your application. After requesting reconsideration and attending an ALJ hearing, if you are still denied disability benefits, you can request a hearing with the Appeals Council.

To approve your application for disability benefits, the Appeals Council will have to find proof that the ALJ made an incorrect decision and overturn the denial.

Tips for Success: Reconsideration Stage

Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be a lengthy and complicated process. The initial application stage usually takes about three to six months, but only about 30% of applicants get approved at this stage.

For the other 70% of applicants who get denied benefits by the SSA for their initial application, there are still options available. The next step towards attempting to get SSD benefits for your disabling condition is called the reconsideration stage. This is the first step in the appeals process for your SSD application.

Tips for Success: Reconsideration Stage

Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be a lengthy and complicated process. The initial application stage usually takes about three to six months, but only about 30% of applicants get approved at this stage.

For the other 70% of applicants who get denied benefits by the SSA for their initial application, there are still options available. The next step towards attempting to get SSD benefits for your disabling condition is called the reconsideration stage. This is the first step in the appeals process for your SSD application.