Can Attorneys in Different States Take My Case?

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If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, you want to be represented by an attorney or an advocate who you feel comfortable with representing you.

You should understand that the disability process can be quite lengthy and from the initial filing of benefits to the hearing before an administrative law judge can take up to two years, sometimes less or sometimes longer depending on the state and the situation.

Can I Apply for Social Security While on Short-Term Disability?

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You can apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA) at any time. Being on short-term disability is no guarantee you’ll be approved for Social Security Disability though. In some case, applying early makes good sense, while in others, preparing and submitting a disability claim too soon may just be a waste of your already limited time and energy.

Knowing which kind of a claim you have can be difficult, but a disability advocate or attorney can help.

Who Applies for Disability Benefits the Most?

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There are more than 13 million people who receive some form of disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) each month. Moreover, the medical conditions that qualified these beneficiaries range from congenital disorders and chronic conditions to traumatic injuries and acute illnesses.

A disability advocate or attorney can help you understand whether your medical condition is likely to be approved quickly or if you will have a longer, more complicated time achieving a disability approval from the SSA.

Social Security 2017 Changes

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The Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) annual financial review is complete and 2017’s changes are in. These annual adjustments can have various implications for disability applicants and recipients, including affecting qualification rules and monthly payment amounts.

Disability provides essential support when you’re unable to work, and getting approved for benefits may be an imperative for you and your family. A disability advocate or attorney can help you understand the SSA’s requirements and can assist you throughout the application and review processes.

How can I Expedite the Disability Application Process?

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With a disability that prevents you from earning a living, you’re already likely facing financial hardship. Waiting for a disability decision is therefore a frightening prospect. Unfortunately, there is no way for most applicants to force the issue or skip review steps. There are however ways to eliminate common delays with the disability determination process. With the following hints, you can potentially get your claim processed more successfully and quickly.

National Bone and Joint Health Action Week

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The World Health Organization reports musculoskeletal conditions as the leading cause of severe chronic pain and disability in the world, and according to the United States Bone and Joint Health Initiative, these conditions affect more than half of America’s population. These impairments include everything from traumatic injuries and arthritis to spinal conditions like osteoporosis and back pain, all of which can potentially qualify for disability benefits.

September: Pain Awareness Month

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According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, about 100 million American experience chronic pain issues. Many of these individuals are still in their prime employment years when pain symptoms begin to hinder the ability to work and earn a steady living. When this happens, disability benefits from the Social Security Administration may be an option.

What Internet Accessibility Tools Could I use to Apply for Benefits?

Submitted by Deanna on

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers a number of online accessibility tools that can help you avoid unnecessary trips to the Social Security field office. If you have mental and/or physical limitations that make it difficult to get around, communicate, or interact with others, these online tools can make the disability application process more expedient and less difficult process for you.