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Top 5 Things to Know About Social Security Disability Lawyers

Submitted by Elizabeth on

If you have a disability and/or severe medical condition, and you think you may be out of work for at least 12 months, you might be wondering whether you should hire a disability lawyer to help you with your disability benefits claim. Hiring and working with a disability lawyer may give you a better chance of being awarded social security disability benefits (SSDI). If you do decide to use the help of a disability lawyer, here is a list of the top 5 things you should know about social security disability lawyers.

What Happens If I Am Over 50 and Denied SSDI?

Submitted by emm on

Sustaining an injury or developing an illness can trigger acute fear and anxiety. The negative emotions morph into debilitating emotional distress because you can no longer work.

Submitting an application for Social Security disability benefits can alleviate some of the negative emotions. However, what if the SSA denies your disability claim? If you are older than 50 years, what happens if the SSA denies your claim for SSDI?

12 New Conditions Added to the Compassionate Allowance List

Submitted by rsg on

With the Social Security Administration (SSA) denying a majority of claims for disability benefits, what happens if you suffer from a severe disability that prevents you from earning a living? Do you have to wait like every other applicant for the SSA to get around to reviewing your claim for financial assistance? The answer is no because the SSA runs a program called compassionate allowance that fast tracks claims for disability benefits in cases in which applicants suffer from debilitating and sometimes life-threatening diseases.

Where Are Disability Hearings Held?

Submitted by jam on

If the Social Security Administration (SSA) has denied your claim for disability benefits, you have the right to appeal the federal government agency’s decision. The first step in the four-step appeal process is called reconsideration, which is the resubmission of the initial disability claim application.

A different team of medical examiners from the SSA reviews your appeal for reconsideration and if your appeal is also denied by the SSA, you have the right to file an appeal for a disability hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).