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The Difference Between Technical Denials and Informal Denials in a Disability Case

Submitted by CM on

There are two types of denials in a disability benefit claim application. These are technical denials and informal denials. They are similar because both types of denial result in your disability claim being denied prior to a medical determination.

Apart from that, the two denials are in fact quite different. A technical denial requires an actual determination by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and there are also appeal rights.

4 Common Questions About Social Security Disability Benefits

Submitted by emm on

Before filing an application for disability benefits it is useful to know some answers to a few common questions.

This will help you understand which type of disability benefit you are entitled to receive and how much you will gain once your disability benefit claim is finally approved. This article tells you everything you need to know about disability benefits.

Does Social Security Disability Spy on You?

Submitted by rsg on

If you are disabled, it is unlikely that the Social Security Administration (SSA) will spy on you like a private insurance company may. However, your claim may be re-examined and if someone alleges that you are not disabled, they may further investigate your situation. Here is a closer look at whether Social Security Disability will spy on you and what you need to do during the claims process and even after you have been awarded disability benefits.

Can I Get Disability for More Than One Condition?

Submitted by rsg on

If you have more than one disabling condition, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. You will need hard medical evidence and other supporting documentation to back up your claim and to verify how your ability to work and perform routine tasks has been affected by your medical issues. Here is a closer look at disability claim with multiple medical issues.

What Is The Most Approved Disability?

Submitted by amm on

A musculoskeletal system disability is the most approved type of disability for a disability benefit. These disabilities, which represent 32.3 percent of disabilities approved for benefits, include damage to one’s nerves, tendons, muscles or ligaments. Examples of this type of disorder are arthritis, back pain such as scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, ruptured disc or spinal disorders and fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a complex widespread pain in the joints, tendons, muscles and soft tissues that lasts for three months or more.