emm's blog

How Do I Apply for a Compassionate Allowance?

Submitted by emm on

Filing a claim for Social Security disability benefits requires patience, as well as an understanding that the Social Security Administration (SSA) denies a significant number of claims for financial assistance.

Does the excessive wait period apply to applicants that live with the most debilitating medical conditions? For years, the SSA made every applicant wait regardless of the severity of the medical condition. However, the SSA implemented the compassionate allowance program, which fast-tracks claims for disability benefits.

When Should I Talk To a Disability Lawyer?

Submitted by emm on

Sustaining a major injury or becoming disabled can prevent you from working and earning an income. If this happens, you may be able to seek financial assistance by applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

Be aware that filing a claim doesn’t automatically result in collecting the benefits you may be owed. To improve your chances of receiving benefits in a timely manner, enlist the help of a Social Security disability lawyer. A legal expert may offer valuable assistance when you file a claim.

6 Tips On How To Win a Disability Reconsideration

Submitted by emm on

With the Social Security Administration (SSA) denying a majority of disability claims, do applicants with denied disability claims have a second chance to make a positive first impression?

The answer is yes because applicants with denied disability claims can go through the appeals process established by the SSA. With the legal support of a Social Security disability attorney, you start the appeals process by filing a reconsideration appeal.

An SSDI reconsideration involves resubmitting your original claim for Social Security disability benefits.

What Happens If I Am Over 50 and Denied SSDI?

Submitted by emm on

Sustaining an injury or developing an illness can trigger acute fear and anxiety. The negative emotions morph into debilitating emotional distress because you can no longer work.

Submitting an application for Social Security disability benefits can alleviate some of the negative emotions. However, what if the SSA denies your disability claim? If you are older than 50 years, what happens if the SSA denies your claim for SSDI?

What Does SSDI Mean?

Submitted by emm on

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 25 percent of Americans live with some type of disability.

Living with a disability can make it difficult, if not impossible to hold down a steady job, especially if the disability generates severe symptoms.

If you live with a mental or physical disability, you might qualify for a safety net program called Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).