What You Need to Know about Your Annual Social Security Earnings Records

Submitted by Ram on

Each and every year, most taxpayers are accustomed to receiving a record of their Annual Social Security earning records in the mail. This statement provides individuals with information regarding the amount they have earned each year and a benefits estimate, showing how much the Social Security Administration (SSA) will pay them at retirement age or if they become disabled.

How SSDI Can Help Those Suffering from Lyme Disease

Submitted by Ram on

Since May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, this would be a good time to discuss how to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) if you are suffering from Lyme disease. While the illness is not unheard of, many people don't really understand just how debilitating it can be and how frustrating it is to live with the effects of the condition.

Benefits For Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (INAD)

When your child has been diagnosed with a disabling condition like Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (INAD), everything in life changes. The realization that your child will need a great deal of extra help and supervision than most children do, combined with the fact that this necessitates either staying home yourself to handle the round the clock care or hiring someone who knows how to deal with special needs can add up to give you a loot to deal with.

Compassionate Allowance - Glioblastoma Multiforme (Adult Brain Tumor)

From its very inception, Social Security was designed to provide a safety net for retirement and in case of disabling injury or illness prior to retirement age. For those who find themselves in the unenviable position of being unable to continue working due to disability, the Social Security disability system can be invaluable.

Unfortunately for most people who need to claim Social Security disability benefits, getting an approval for a disability claim can take a long time.

Why Has SSDI Enrollment Increased Over the Last 20 Years?

Submitted by Ram on

The Social Security Administration (SSA) receives millions of disability claims each and every year. Of these claims, only about thirty percent are approved during the initial stage of the application process. The remaining Social Security Disability applicants must undergo a lengthy and complex disability appeal process in order to obtain the disability benefits they may be rightfully entitled to. The question is, why are so many more people receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits than ever before?

Compassionate Allowance - Gaucher Disease (GD) - Type 2

There’s nothing that makes your world stop like finding out that your child has a terminal disease. Most terminal children’s disease require a level of parental and medical care that it can be impossible in many cases to continue working full time, adding the worry of depleted income to an already stressful situation. Fortunately, Social Security disability programs can help fill the income gap.

The SSA Tries to Address Lengthy Hearing Wait Times

Submitted by Ram on

Each and every year the Social Security Administration (SSA) receives millions of claims for Social Security Disability benefits. Many people are surprised to find out that the majority of these claims are actually denied by the SSA. In fact, only approximately 30 percent of the disability applications are approved during the initial stage of the claim process. The remaining 70 percent of applicants must pursue the disability appeal process in order to obtain the benefits they need.

Compassionate Allowance - Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), Picks Disease -Type A – Adult

For many with disabling conditions which make holding a job impossible, Social Security disability benefits are a lifeline that helps them to maintain some degree of dignity by providing financial support. Unfortunately, though, qualifying for Social Security disability benefits often takes a long time. Eighteen months is about average, and several years is not uncommon.