Gastroparesis and Social Security Disability

A digestive disorder often seen in combination with other serious medical conditions like diabetes, gastroparesis can cause a range of symptoms including metabolic issues, weight loss, nausea, and GERD. Even when the disorder occurs alone, symptoms can be so severe that they make it difficult or impossible to work. When this pronounced, gastroparesis can qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

Transverse Myelitis and Social Security Disability

Traverse Myelitis, or TM, is a myelin disorder in which the tissue around nerve cells of the spinal cord become inflamed and eventually degrade. TM results in pain, muscle weakness, and in some cases, severe complications like lack of coordination, incontinence issues, and lower body paralysis.

Some people with TM recover fully after receiving proper treatment, but not all cases can be resolved. For those that suffer from the most severe forms of TM, Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are often available.

Benign Brain Tumors and Social Security Disability

Benign brain tumors can have many of the same effects as malignant tumors, producing communication, sensory processing, and motor control impairments in addition to seizures, pain, or loss of sensation, paralysis and other serious complications and symptoms.

Some tumors may be surgically removed, while others are inoperable due to their size or location. In either event, benign tumors that develop in the brain can potentially qualify you for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

Compassionate Allowances - Fulminant Giant Cell Myocarditis

Fulminant Giant Cell Myocarditis (GCM) is a rare autoimmune heart disease that automatically qualified for disability benefits through either of both of the Social Security Administration's (SSA's) disability programs, though you must still complete the application process and meet all the SSA's eligibility criteria in order to be approved for benefits.

The SSA's Disability Programs

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has two disability programs for which you may qualify with GCM:

Compassionate Allowance - Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis

Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis occurs when a solid tumor spreads to the leptomeninges (the membranes surrounding the brain). Usually these tumors begin as lung tumors, breast tumors, or malignant melanoma. The condition is rare, occurring in only about 5 percent of people who develop cancer. The condition is almost always terminal. Left untreated, the median survival rate is four to six weeks. When treated, the median survival rate increases to two to three months.