Blog posts

Tips to Keep your Eyesight from Deteriorating

Submitted by Ram on

When it comes to body care, people mostly care about just their skin and teeth, while eyes are the most neglected part. Taking care of eyes is equally as important as looking after the skin. Eyes form the most significant part of the human body and they are also the most stressed organs.

Whenever we are working at home or office, reading, operating a computer, or watching television, we put a lot of strain on the eyes and hence wear them out. Having healthy eyes is just as easy as it is to deteriorate your vision.

Prior SSA Disability Claims and Your Current Application

Submitted by support on
{ "@context": "", "@type":"Article", "headline":"Previous Social Security Disability Claims Can Affect Your Current Disability Application", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url": "", "height":"200", "width":"200" }, "publisher":{ "@type": "Organization", "name": "Disability Benefits Center", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject",

Choosing a Social Security Disability Lawyer or Advocate

Submitted by Kyle on

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be a long process. Currently there are over a million people in queue, waiting for an approval of their award. What most don’t know is that this process can average between two to four years.

While some cases are clear-cut, countless others move through the process at a snail’s pace because of incomplete details or unclear answers. Sadly, a large percentage of applications are denied disability for these very same reasons.

How to Appeal a Decision if You are Denied Disability Benefits

Submitted by support on

Anyone who has applied for Social Security disability benefits knows that assembling the medical documents required by the Social Security Administration (SSA), with or without the help of a Social Security disability attorney, is a time consuming process.

Then there is the lengthy wait for the initial decision, which can take up to a year in some cases. It can be frustrating to have poured so much time and energy into your application for disability benefits only to have your disability application denied.

Can You Receive Workers' Comp and Social Security Disability?

Submitted by Ram on

Some of the hard-working people who are suffering from disabilities become disabled on the job due to an accident or other unfortunate event. This may qualify them for workers' compensation benefits.

The question is, if the disability that occurred due to the work-related injury is expected to last a year or more, can these individuals also qualify for Social Security Disability benefits?