Blog posts

Social Security Disability System Faces Independent Review

Submitted by Kyle on

Most Americans would agree that the Social Security Disability system is somewhat flawed. We hear horror stories about deserving applicants waiting years before their disability benefits to begin due to the fact that they must fight the SSA in order to obtain the benefits they are entitled to. On the other hand, we also hear stories about people who are not truly disabled receiving the Social Security Disability payments that come out of taxpayer pockets. According to the Wall Street Journal, this is not an issue that has gone unnoticed.

January is Birth Defect Prevention Month

Submitted by Kyle on

When most people think about Social Security Disability benefits they imagine disabled workers who are no longer able to earn an income and are in need of benefits from the Social Security Administration in order to make ends meet. Many people forget that children may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits as well. When a child is born with a severe birth defect, the needs of the child can take a severe financial toll on that child’s family.

The SSA's New ALJ Policy May Affect Disability Claimants

Submitted by Kyle on

Until recently, a Social Security Disability applicant would be notified of which administrative law judge would be hearing their case when they received notice of their disability hearing. The SSA has now decided that the identity of the judges who are hearing these cases will no longer be included in the notices that are sent to applicants and that the identity of the judge will be kept secret until the actual hearing itself.