Blog posts

June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month

Submitted by Deanna on

Around 1 in 30 Americans experience some degree of scoliosis. It is both the most common spinal deformity as well as the least predictable one, seeing as we are still unsure of what causes almost 80% of cases. However, with recent medical advancements, treatment allows the majority of people with scoliosis to heal and continue living normal, healthy lives.

Continue below to learn more about scoliosis and see why, this June, it is time to spread awareness, knowledge, and motivation to fight for a future without scoliosis.

Celebrating Men’s Health Month - June 2017

Submitted by Deanna on

Every June since it’s beginning in 1994, people around the world wear blue in support of men’s health. Men’s Health Month was created to inform people about the medical problems that males are at risk of facing in their lifetime, such as testicular cancer and prostate cancer. While some forms of these cancers have a rapid onset, the majority of testicular and prostate issues can be diagnosed and treated much easier if caught early on.

Continue below to learn more about men's health and see how you can help the men and boys in your life to stay healthy and supported.

March 1st: International Wheelchair Day

Submitted by rjh on

Around 3 million people in the United States rely on a wheelchair every day. From daily tasks to general mobility, wheelchairs provide people with a way to overcome their disability and live relatively normal lives. However, even today, accessibility issues isolate wheelchair users and prevent them from seeing much of the world.

This International Wheelchair Day, do your part to learn about the afflictions that limit mobility and bring awareness to the struggles wheelchair users face. With education, the future will continue to become accessible for all.

February 28th: Rare Disease Day

Submitted by Bryan on

Most people can hear the words “Alzheimer’s”, “cancer”, or “stroke” and know what you are talking about. This is because these are diseases that, while severe, are relatively common.

But what about the diseases that aren’t as well known.

Millions of Americans and their families are affected by rare diseases every year. On February 28th, these victims are given a platform to speak about their illnesses and raise awareness for the challenges they face every day.

Can I Apply for Social Security Benefits Without an Attorney?

Submitted by emm on

For the millions of Americans suffering from disabilities, Social Security benefits are extremely necessary. From additional monthly income to health insurance benefits to potential benefits for family members, Social Security is an invaluable resource for those unable to work.

Unfortunately, the disability application process can be tricky, time-consuming, and hard to complete without mistakes. Because of this, it is often recommended that applicants speak with a Social Security disability attorney before applying.