Blog posts

Help! My Application was Denied at the Initial Disability Review

Submitted by Deanna on

Social Security disability benefits were created to help disabled Americans and their families by providing consistent income, vocational rehabilitation, and other services. If you can get approved, disability benefits give you and your family the ability to face everyday financial challenges when you’re unable to work.

Benefits may be available to you in two forms: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Each program has its own eligibility rules and you may be denied for one program, even if you are approved for the other.

Is a Second Social Security Application Approved Faster?

Submitted by Deanna on

If you’ve tried to get and been turned down for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) in the past, then you already know how long the disability review can often take.

You need disability benefits, but you don’t want to wait months again for Disability Determination Services (DDS) to review your claim only to be denied a second time.

Help! I was Denied at My ALJ Hearing.

Submitted by Deanna on

Disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) are intended to provide essential financial support for disabled Americans of all ages. Unfortunately, getting benefits can be a long and cumbersome process for some applicants.

If you can get approved though, disability offers consistent income, taking the place of your decreased or lost income from employment.

Applying for Social Security Benefits After Age 50?

Submitted by Deanna on

If you are unable to work because of a medical condition and you are older than 50, special rules apply. When you apply for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA), one of the main things that is considered is whether you can return to the same kind of work that you did in the past or if you can adjust to performing some other kind of work.