Blog posts

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

Submitted by CM on

More than 56,000 Americans will receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Of all different kinds of cancer, pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rates.

When more people recognize the symptoms and understand who is more likely to develop this cancer, early detection can occur and that can lead to a better outcome for the patient. November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, which is to bring awareness for the disease and to encourage early detection.

What Conditions Automatically Qualify For Disability Benefits?

Submitted by Deanna on

If you’re disabled and out of work, you may be eligible for financial assistance. Hundreds of conditions “automatically” qualify for disability benefits, meaning that your application’s review and approval may come in as little as 10 days. Most conditions that automatically qualify for disability benefits are terminal. Here are some examples of the types of conditions that are eligible for expedited Social Security disability qualification:

Top 5 Reasons Why Disability Claims are Denied in 2023

Submitted by Kyle on

Each year the Social Security Administration denies approximately 60 to 70 percent of the initial disability claims that it receives each year. The applicants who receive such a denial of benefits must pursue the disability benefits appeal process in order to obtain the Social Security Disability benefits that they need.

Unfortunately, the pursuit of such a denial may take two years or more to complete. If you want to avoid having your initial disability claim denied, it’s important to understand why so many claims are denied in the first place.

April 7-14 is Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Week

Submitted by CM on

The Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, supported by the American Academy of Otolaryngology, organize a weeklong series of events to promote an awareness of oral, head, and neck cancer.

The weeklong event includes a day of free cancer screenings offered in different areas across the U.S. About 550,000 new cases of oral, head and neck cancer are diagnosed around the world every year.

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

Submitted by rsg on

For more than 30 years the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) has led the nation in the observation of Brain Injury Awareness Month by observing Brain Injury Awareness Month during March. The theme for the campaign is “Change Your Mind.” The public awareness campaign provides a platform for educating the general public about brain injury ad the needs of the injury victims and their families.