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Social Security Disability Benefits for Chronic Pain Conditions

Submitted by rtg on

Chronic pain conditions don’t just cause discomfort. Long-term pain can also impact your ability to work and earn a living.

If you can’t work due to a chronic pain condition, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) offers benefits to individuals who can’t work due to medical conditions. Said benefits may help cover the cost of their basic needs.

Understanding Chronic Pain Conditions

Chronic pain can take many forms. Examples of chronic pain conditions include:

Answering Common Social Security Disability Questions

Submitted by rtg on

Understanding and applying for social security disability benefits can be complex, but knowing the basics and seeking professional assistance when needed can help improve your chances of winning a successful claim. Whether you are applying for SSI or SSDI, it is important you meet the qualifications and provide thorough documentation. It is never easy qualifying for disability benefits, but you will get a better understanding of the process if it is explained to you clearly.

Is It Even Worth Trying To Apply For Disability Benefits?

Submitted by rtg on

The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) offers disability benefits to individuals who can’t work because of disabling conditions. You might be considering applying for disability benefits if you can’t work because of an injury or illness.

However, you might have heard that the application process is complex. Perhaps you’re also aware that the SSA denies most first-time applications.

Is it worth applying for disability benefits when you consider these factors? The answer is different for everyone.