Millions of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. When they develop a condition that prevents them from maintaining employment, that paycheck suddenly disappears, leading to significant financial hardship. It is in instances such as these that disability benefits from the Social Security Administration are intended to help. Unfortunately, nearly 70 percent of Social Security Disability applicants do not see their first disability payment for nearly two years. This is due to a lengthy and complex disability claim and appeal process. Fortunately the SSA understands that certain conditions warrant faster claims processing. As a result, the agency has implemented the Compassionate Allowances program. This program allows some disability applicants to be approved for benefits in a matter of weeks. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis grade III is one of the conditions that have recently been included in the SSA’s Compassionate Allowances guidelines. If you have been diagnosed with this condition and you wonder how it may qualify you for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, the following information will help.
Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis Grade III Condition and Symptoms
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis, also referred to as LYG, is a rare Epstein-Barr virus. The disease involves a rare form of B-cell lymphoma, which is a cancer involving the lymph tissue of the body. LYG is marked by lymphocytes around the blood vessels of the body. The condition usually appears between individuals who are 30 and 50 years of age, although it has been reported in children as young as 13 years of age. In most cases, the condition usually involves the skin, lungs and central nervous system. In some cases, other organs may be involved such as the spleen, lymph nodes, liver, kidneys, eyes and gastrointestinal tract.
While the symptoms of lymphomatoid granulomatosis vary depending on the severity of the condition, common symptoms include recurring cough, fever, skin lesions, weight loss, chest pain, trouble breathing and neurological abnormalities.
While there are cases of spontaneous recovery in those who have been diagnosed with Grade I of the disease, those who have been diagnosed with Grade III of the condition have a very poor prognosis, especially if there is neurological involvement.
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis is marked by the body’s overproduction of white blood cells called lymphocytes. These abnormal cells accumulate in the body and cause nodules or lesions to develop. The abnormal cells that develop are B cells which carry the Epstein Barr virus.
Filing for Social Security Disability with Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis Grade III
Each and every year the Social Security Administration receives millions of disability claims from disability applicants. Approximately 70 percent of the initial claims that the SSA receives are denied each year. The millions of denied disability applicants must then appeal the SSA’s decision if they hope to receive disability benefits in the future.
The disability appeal process normally consists of a request for reconsideration and a disability hearing. Because there is such a large backlog of appeals in the Social Security system, it can take two years or more for a disability applicant to get their day in court. Fortunately for those who have a condition that is covered under the Compassionate Allowances listings, this wait time is much shorter and Compassionate Allowances appeals are given priority over standard disability appeals.
Under the Compassionate Allowances program, an applicant may be approved for disability benefits in a matter of weeks rather than having to wait months or even years for benefits to begin. Those who have been diagnosed with lymphomatoid granulomatosis Grade III are among those who may qualify for claim processing under these expedited guidelines.
It is important to note that even though lymphomatoid granulomatosis has been included in the SSA’s Compassionate Allowances guidelines, diagnosis of the condition does not mean an automatic approval of your disability application. In order to qualify for disability benefits, you will need to fill out disability application forms in their entirety and with great detail. You will also need to supply the SSA with enough medical evidence to support your claim.
Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis Grade III and Your Social Security Disability Case
If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits due to a case of lymphomatoid granulomatosis Grade III, you may want to consider retaining the services of a disability attorney. Applying for disability benefits can be overwhelming and the paperwork involved can be very confusing. You must fill this paperwork out properly in order for your claim to be approved. By working with an attorney, you can ensure that your disability claim is submitted to the SSA in the best light possible.