What You Need to Know Before Applying with Osteoporosis

The process is slow, but there is one thing certain about the development of osteoporosis: the disease has a debilitating effect on job performance.

Osteoporosis literally means degrading bone density. The strength of one or bones diminishes over the course of time. The degradation of one or more bones typically happens as months, if not years pass. This makes it difficult to detect the ailment until it is too late do anything about treating it. Eventually, the bone or bones afflicted by the disease are susceptible to fractures, which makes it impossible to hold down a full-time job. Whether you work on a construction site or sit inside a climate controlled office, a fracture to any bone in your body leads to a significant amount of down time recuperating at home.

Fortunately, a program administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) can help fill the financial hole created by the development of osteoporosis.

Determining Eligibility for Disability Benefits

Applying for disability benefits administered by the SSA requires American workers to file a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) form. You have to share a considerable amount of personal financial information with the SSA, which includes documents that verify the source and the amount of annual income. The SSA has established an earning per month minimum threshold that qualifies applicants for SSDI benefits. Called Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), the minimum monthly income standard is the first step towards determining SSDI eligibility.

Second Step: Meeting Blue Book Standards

Referred to as the litmus test for determining SSDI eligibility, the Blue Book lists every medical condition that qualifies applicants for financial compensation. Each medical condition listed in the Blue Book is accompanied by the most common symptoms associated with serious illnesses and injuries. Two sections of the Blue Book cover ailments suffered by adults and the ailments suffered by children. Osteoporosis is not listed in either section. Instead, symptoms of the disease, such as bone fractures, fall under subsections 1.06 and 1.07 of the SSA guide to receiving SSDI benefits. A state licensed personal injury lawyer can help you determine whether your osteoporosis symptoms qualify you for financial compensation.

How to Apply for SSDI Benefits

Filing for SSDI benefits traditionally unfolded through the United States Postal Service (USPS). Applicants filled out a document, and then placed the application in a USPS operated mailbox. The snail mail process took a considerable amount of time to reach a conclusion, as applicants waited months for an answer from the SSA. Digital technology has changed the way Americans submit SSDI applications, as well as the amount of time it takes to process an application. By visiting the SSA page dedicated to SSDI application, you shorten the process that determines whether you qualify for benefits. All you have to do is establish a user name and a login pin to access your SSDI application.

What You Need to Know Before Applying with Osteoporosis

Contact a Licensed Personal Injury Lawyer

There is too much at stake financially to have an SSDI application denied by the SSA. By working with an experienced personal injury attorney, you not only can file a civil lawsuit, you also retain an attorney who can help you complete a persuasive SSDI application. Your lawyer should examine your application to ensure accuracy, as well as monitor the status of the application.

Schedule a free initial consultation today with a disability attorney to determine the best course of legal action.

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