What You Need To Know Before Applying With A Hernia

Dealing with a hernia can be one of life’s most painful health lessons. Severe pain in the groin area, especially when you try to stand up, makes you want to raise the white flag in surrender. Although the pain of a hernia is intense, so can be the emotional pain triggered by trying to receive financial assistance in the form of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)).

How is SSDI Determined?

An SSDI application requires applicants to submit a large amount of personal information that includes annual wages and other sources of income. However, the most important section of an SSDI application is the section that describes your ability to work. Your job status can negatively impact your earning power.

To qualify for SSDI benefits, you have to fall under an earnings per month threshold, which the Social Security Administration refers to as Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). SSDI benefit decision depends mostly on whether you can perform the physical tasks required to excel at your job.

What is the Blue Book?

Consider the Blue Book as a type of blueprint for approving SSDI applications. The Blue Book presents a long list of medical conditions the Social Security Administration (SSA) defines as disabling conditions. Physical conditions listed in the Blue Book include the most common types of medical impairments, as well as health conditions that are occupation specific.

If you meet the criteria established in the Blue Book for one or more medical conditions, you might be eligible to receive SSDI benefits, regardless of how much you work. Two sections define the Blue Book, with a section devoted to adult disability assessments and a second section dedicated to defining childhood disability conditions.

Do You Qualify for SSDI Benefits?

Going through the SSDI application process can frustrate the most patient applicants. The application can be confusing at certain points, and the process for receiving approval or denial of an application can several months to unfold. Both American citizens and legal residents qualify to receive SSDI benefits, after first proving one of more medical conditions make it impossible to earn a living.

You will have to prove how long you have participated in the American workforce, as well as submit documentation that demonstrates your annual income fall below the SSDI-mandated minimum threshold. You can expect to submit documentation from healthcare professionals that confirm your medical condition. Disability experts review your application to determine whether you qualify for SSDI benefits.

Know How to Apply for SSDI Benefits

The lag between submitting an SSDI application and receiving word about the status of your application has shortened considerably because of the use of digital technology. Instead of waiting for a letter to arrive from the SSA, you can learn about the status of your SSDI benefits application by visiting the SSA website. The SSA also provides a digital application that many legal experts consider to be easier to submit than the paper form of the SSDI application.

If the SSA denies your SSDI application, do you have the right to file an appeal? The answer is yes, but you should work with a state licensed disability attorney who specializes in interacting with the SSA. An experienced disability lawyer will make sure you file an appeal that presents more convincing evidence than the evidence you included with your initial SSDI application.
Schedule a free initial consultation with a disability attorney to determine the best course of legal action.

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