What Is the SSA’s Adult Disability Starter Kit?

When you apply for disability benefits, you will want to use the SSA’s Adult Disability Starter Kit. The Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) Adult Disability Starter Kit is a valuable resource designed to assist individuals navigating the complex process of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. This kit serves as an introductory guide, providing essential information and resources to help individuals understand the disability benefits application process and prepare for the journey ahead.

Part 1: The Adult Disability Starter Kit

The Adult Disability Checklist is a useful tool provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to help individuals prepare their application for disability benefits. This checklist serves as a comprehensive guide, which outlines the documentation and information required to support a disability benefits claim.

The checklist breaks down the application process into manageable steps, ensuring that applicants gather all necessary materials before submitting their claim. It typically includes items such as personal information, medical records, work history, and financial documentation. By following the checklist, applicants can ensure they provide complete and accurate information, which is essential for a successful disability claim.

Part 2: Optional Medical and Job Worksheet

This can be found in the Adult Disability Starter Kit. It is a series of blank spaces where you can complete information about your medical condition.

  1. Medical Condition(s): list all physical or mental conditions (including emotional or learning difficulties) that limit your ability to work. If you have cancer, please include the stage and type. List each condition separately.
  2. Medical Sources: please list health care providers (e.g., doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, nurse practitioners, hospitals, etc.) who examined you, or treated your medical condition(s).
  3. Medicine(s): please list medicine(s) you take (prescribed and over-the counter) and why you take them. For prescribed medicines, include the names of the health care providers who prescribed them.
  4. Medical Test(s): please list any medical tests you had or are going to have in the future. Examples include biopsies, X-rays, and psychological tests
  5. Job History: list the jobs (including self-employment and jobs in a foreign country) you have had in the past 15 years. If you had more than 5 jobs, include the most recent jobs.

Part 3: Factsheet

The factsheet answers some common questions about an adult disability benefits claim. This includes the following:

  1. What You Should Know Before You Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits
  2. How does Social Security decide if I have a disability?
  3. My doctor says I have a disability. Is that enough to get Social Security disability benefits?
  4. If Social Security decides that I have a disability, what types of benefits can I receive?
  5. What happens during the online application or appointment?

Get Help With Your Application

If you are struggling with the Disability Starter Kit, or any other part of the disability application process, a disability attorney can help. Fill out the Free Case Evaluation to get connected with a disability benefits attorney who subscribes to the website and can help answer questions related to your disability benefits claim.