Fragile X Syndrome, also known as Martin-Bell syndrome, is the most common form of inherited intellectual and developmental disability. While cases of Fragile X Syndrome vary from individual to individual, some of the people who suffer from the condition are unable to work because of it. This can cause serious financial hardships. Unable to produce an income or provide for themselves, the individuals suffering from severe Fragile X Syndrome often face overwhelming stress and financial burdens. Fortunately Social Security Disability benefits can often alleviate some of the monetary concerns and can provide Fragile X Syndrome patients with the medical insurance they so desperately need. If you or someone you know is living with Fragile X Syndrome and is unable to work because of it, the following information can help you through the Social Security Disability application process.
Fragile X Syndrome - Condition and Symptoms
Fragile X Syndrome is caused by a mutation of the gene called the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 gene (also known as the FMR1 gene). This gene is responsible for making a protein that the body uses for brain development. When the gene is mutated, the body can not make enough of the protein or, in some cases, can not make any of the protein at all.
Fragile X Syndrome is often a genetic condition and is passed down from parent to child, however, parents can have children with Fragile X Syndrome even if they do not have the condition themselves. When the condition is passed down genetically, the case of Fragile X Syndrome tends to be more severe.
In some cases only a small change in the FMR1 gene occurs, referred to as a pre-mutation. When this happens the individual with the Fragile X Syndrome may not show any signs of the condition. When a full mutation occurs the symptoms become apparent.
Not all of the individuals who suffer from Fragile X Syndrome will experience the same symptoms. In fact, females with the condition often experience fewer symptoms than males. There are some common signs of Fragile X Syndrome, however, including intellectual disabilities, elongated ears and face, loose joints, flat feet, sensory sensitivity, emotional challenges and issues with language and speech.
There is no cure for Fragile X Syndrome, although there are ways to alleviate some of the symptoms caused by the condition. Special education classes are often necessary for children who are born with Fragile X Syndrome and therapy to help with emotional issues may help a patient cope. If a person is suffering from speech or language issues, specialized treatment can help with speech and language development.
Fragile X Syndrome can be diagnosed with prenatal testing before a baby is born. If prenatal testing is not performed and it is suspected that an individual has Fragile X Syndrome, molecular genetic testing of the FMR1 gene can be conducted to diagnose the condition.
Filing for Social Security Disability with Fragile X Syndrome
Although there is no specific listing for Fragile X Syndrome in Social Security Administration's Blue Book of impairment listings, the condition is discussed in Sections 10.00 and 110.00 of the impairment listings. These sections focus primarily on Down Syndrome, but Fragile X Syndrome is also discussed.
Because there is no specific listing for Fragile X Syndrome, qualifying for Social Security Disability benefits due to the condition can sometimes be difficult.
In order to qualify for disability benefits as a result of Fragile X Syndrome, you will need to prove to the SSA that the condition completely prevents the applicant from performing any soft of work activity. An applicant can do this by providing medical records and physical and mental evaluation records. If enough evidence is not provided with your claim for Social Security Disability benefits, the examiner reviewing your case may require you to undergo a consultative exam.
Fragile X Syndrome and Your Social Security Disability Case
If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits due to Fragile X Syndrome, you may need to go through the appeals process in order to receive the benefits you are entitled to. Only 30 percent of initial applications for Social Security Disability benefits are approved by the Social Security Administration. Because there is no specific listing for Fragile X Syndrome in the SSA's published guidelines, it is not uncommon for disability claims based on Fragile X Syndrome to be denied at the initial claim stage of the application process.
You should consult with a Social Security Disability attorney regarding your disability claim. A qualified disability attorney can help you through the application process and can represent you during your disability hearing. Statistics show that you have a better chance of being awarded benefits, if you have proper legal representation.