Fibromuscular Dysplasia and Social Security Disability

Fibromuscular Dysplasia is a condition that manifests in the stenosis and aneurysm of the medium-sized arteries of the circulatory system. Typically, the narrowing and enlargement occur next to each other causing damage to the organs receiving blood from those arteries. When left untreated, fibromuscular dysplasia can cause complication like high blood pressure or dissection of the arteries. This condition doesn’t have a cure but can be made manageable with treatment. Fibromuscular dysplasia most commonly appears in the arteries leading to these organs:

  • Kidneys
  • Brain
  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Legs

With the condition affecting different body parts, there are no clear symptoms directly attributed to fibromuscular dysplasia. All anyone might see are the “signs” of symptoms of the affected artery.

When you experience high blood pressure, feel tissue damage on the kidneys or outright kidney failure, the arteries to the kidney might be affected by the condition. Dizziness, neck pain, blurred vision, ringing in the ears and headaches may be a sign of the arteries in the brain being affected.

The arteries to your abdomen may be at play when abdominal pain is felt after eating and sudden weight loss occurs. When signs of cold limbs, weakness and numbness of the limbs or changes in skin color in the limb area are noticed, the arteries to the arms and legs may be affected.

It can be tricky to attribute any of the signs above to fibromuscular dysplasia since these signs can be direct symptoms of other conditions. It’s important to note fibromuscular dysplasia is hereditary so it might be prudent to check your family’s medical history to see if you can be at risk for this condition. If you had been previously diagnosed with fibromuscular dysplasia and suddenly experience any impairment to your vision, speech or movement of your limbs, it might be wise to see a doctor.

There is no cure for fibromuscular dysplasia. However, the symptoms of the condition can be managed with treatments that include angioplasty and surgical revascularization. The condition is actually more common than previously believed and more often than not it’s left undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Even though fibromuscular dysplasia has no cure, measures need to be taken to manage the condition or you might put yourself at risk of various complications. Besides developing high blood pressure, aneurysms or dissections in the artery, you might develop chronic kidney failure or suffer a stroke which can truly affect your way of life.

Medically qualifying for benefits with Fibromuscular Dysplasia

Fibromuscular dysplasia can affect a good number of individuals with most of them still capable of working with the right treatments. Some cases present more debilitating symptoms that can prevent you from working. If you happen to have a form of fibromuscular dysplasia that prevents you from continuing to work, you may be eligible for disability benefits.

It should be noted that fibromuscular dysplasia itself is not listed in the SSA’s “Blue Book”. Highlighting its associated conditions like the aneurysms or dissection will be the key to qualifying for these Social Security benefits. Should you be suffering an aneurysm, your documentation should prove the following:

  • The existence of an aneurysm in a major artery
  • Medical imaging of the said aneurysm
  • Aneurysm has a companion dissection that is not controlled by treatment

Why You Need a Disability Attorney to Help with Your Fibromuscular Dysplasia Disability Claim

Fibromuscular dysplasia is a debilitating condition that can leave anyone unable to work while having to pay for their treatments to manage the condition. As of this time, there are no known causes for this condition. Studies however have observed the following risk factors:

  • Women have a greater risk of developing the condition
  • The condition usually diagnosed in people in their early 50’s
  • Smokers exhibit greater risk of developing a serious form of the condition

Due to the crippling effect this condition may have on your quality of life, it’s important that you seek legal help when applying for your disability claim. Since fibromuscular dysplasia doesn’t have its own specific Blue Book listing, your disability attorney can help you present your claim to maximize your chances of being eligible for disability benefits. Your disability attorney will not only help you in the preparation of your initial claim, but will provide assistance during the appeals process itself if need be.