Joliet Social Security Disability Resources

Joliet, Illinois is a mid-sized city which is located about 40 miles southwest of Chicago, with a population of about 147,400 according to the 2010 census. Manufacturing is the primary sector which drives the Joliet economy, though many residents also work in other industries within Joliet and throughout the Chicago metropolitan area.

The Social Security Administrations Region 5 office in Chicago services the Joliet population. The Chicago regional office sees about 33,000 new claims for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) annually.

SSDI is for individuals who’ve been unable to hold gainful employment for a period of one year or longer as a result of an extended or permanent, total disability. In addition to having a disabling condition, you must also have sufficient work credits built up over the last ten years in order to qualify for SSDI under the Social Security Administration’s guidelines. If you do not meet the requirements for SSDI, you may still qualify for SSI.

Apply for Joliet Social Security Disability Benefits

Applying for Joliet Social Security Disability benefits is a complex process and can take a number of months to complete. The Social Security Administration (SSA) approves about 29.5 percent of the initial claims seen in the Chicago regional office. The remaining claims – those initially denied benefits – must go through a second review, at which point about 9.8 percent of SSD applicants are found eligible for benefits. The next step for those denied is to file an appeal which sends the case before an administrative law judge for final determination regarding eligibility. Having the assistance of a Joliet Social Security Disability attorney throughout this process increases your chances of receiving SSD benefits.

The majority of Joliet SSD claims that are initially denied are missing the appropriate medical records and other documentation that is required by the SSA. A Joliet disability lawyer can review your case file and ensure that you receive the appropriate medical tests and other procedures for sufficiently documenting your disability under SSA guidelines. He or she can improve your chances of receiving benefits during the initial or reconsideration reviews and can also argue your case at, and help you prepare for, the appeals hearing.

Below is the Social Security office location at which Joliet disability benefit claims can be submitted:

Joliet Social Security Disability
552 Houbolt Rd
Joliet, IL 60431

Joliet Social Security Disability Resources

To be deemed eligible for SSD benefits under the SSA’s guidelines, you must show you’ve gotten ongoing treatment for the medical conditions which are behind your disability. This can be challenging when you have limited income with which to pay for medical care. Here are some of the Joliet disability resources for free and low cost medical services, including those in the nearby community of Aurora.

Will County Community Health Center
1106 Neal Ave,
Joliet, IL 60433-2548

Aunt Martha's Joliet Health Center
1301 Copperfield Ave, Ste 201,
Joliet, IL 60432-2056

Life Springs
517 College Ave,
Aurora, IL 60505-3515

Community Health Partnership
157 S Lincoln Ave,
Aurora, IL 60505-4264

The Health Outreach Center
76 S Lasalle St,
Aurora, IL 60505-3375

Your Joliet Disability Claim

Having the appropriate medical documentation contained within your SSD claim is critical to being found eligible for disability benefits. Before you submit your initial application to the SSA, you should consider having a Joliet Social Security Disability lawyer review your case file. He or she can tell you if any documentation is missing and can assist you in getting the right records included in your file. A Joliet disability attorney can also walk you through the whole application and review process, making it easier to understand. Additionally, should you need to file an appeal or request reconsideration on your claim, your Joliet disability lawyer can assist with these steps as well, including arguing your case before the administrative law judge at the appeal hearing. Joliet disability attorneys charge no upfront fees for their services and are only paid if you receive SSD benefits.