Applying for Disability with a Herniated Disc Over 50

The average annual count of herniated disc cases reaches as high as 20 for every 1,000 American adults. A majority of herniated disc cases negatively impact workers between the ages of 30 and 50, with males suffering from the medical condition twice as many times as females. A herniated disc results from the soft center of a spinal disc pushing through a breach in the exterior casing.

Some cases of a herniated disc do not limit the ability of victims to continue working. However, continuing with a career with a herniated disc is often difficult to do, especially for workers that are at least 50 years old.

Grid Rules and Herniated Disc

To account for the difficulty older workers have returning to work with a disability, the Social Security Administration (SSA) created a grid of several categories that factor in criteria that can make it difficult to continue working with a disability such as a herniated disc. The criteria used to evaluate a disability applicant on the grid include age, job skills, level of education, and job skills that transfer to another line of work.

Grid rules take into account that as a disabled worker turns 50, he or she will find it harder to land an entry-level job. The SSA also established grid rules to help disabled workers 50 and older to receive disability benefits even if they work jobs that require less demanding tasks.
Find how applying for disability benefits at 50 and older can improve your chances of receiving financial assistance.

What Kind of Work Can I Perform with a Herniated Disc?

The kind of work you perform after suffering from a herniated disc depends on the symptoms that you experience. Medication might be all you need to resume your professional role regardless of the physical activity required to get the job done. However, many cases of herniated discs require workers to reduce the amount of a workload or change to a career that requires less demanding physical labor.

Ideally, you want to work in a job that does not require you to get up from a chair constantly on a daily basis. Working from home in an administrative role is a good position for someone suffering from a herniated disc. However, severe cases of the medical condition can eliminate sedentary work until the worker experiences less pain in the nerves that run through the back and both legs.

Must Meet the Blue Book Listing

Every applicant for Social Security disability benefits must meet the medical standards established by the Blue Book. The SSA updates the Blue Bok periodically to account for changes in the severity of symptoms required to receive financial assistance for a medical condition like a herniated disc. Section 1.00 of the Blue Book, which is the section that describes disability eligibility for musculoskeletal disorders, lists the symptoms of a herniated disc that might qualify you for disability benefits.

The adverse symptoms of a herniated disc must have lasted for 12 consecutive months. A herniated disc must prevent you from walking and/or standing for an extended period. To confirm that you suffer from intense pain, a statement submitted by your physician can help you gain approval for disability benefits with a herniated disc.

Find out more about how to qualify for disability benefits with a herniated disc.

Speak with a Social Security lawyer to get help with your disability claim. A social Security attorney can ensure your application contains accurate information that is accompanied by persuasive medical evidence.

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