What Documents Do I Need to Apply for SSD with Arthritis?

What starts as a dull pain in a few finger joints morphs into acute pain that envelopes the arms and legs. You have received an arthritis diagnosis that states your medical condition is dire enough to warrant Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

The question now is what medical documents do you need to submit when applying for SSD with acute arthritis?

The most important part of a SSD claim is the collection and submission of medical documents that supports your SSD arthritis claim. Medical records should include doctor notes, hospitalization records, and evidence you made at least one emergency room visit to treat the symptoms of acute rheumatoid arthritis.

The specific medical documents you must submit to prove your SSD claim is found in the Blue Book authored by the Social Security Administration (SSA). You should present as much hard evidence as you can collect in the form of medical documentation.

Overview of the SSA Blue Book

The SSA Blue Book presents every debilitating illness and disease that medical professionals diagnose and treat. Each medical condition includes the medical documents required to prove the physical ailment is severe enough to cause permanent disability.

If you do not follow the Blue Book guidelines for filing the proper medical documents, you can expect the SSA to deny your claim for Social Security benefits.

The Blue Book also presents information regarding two insurance programs: Supplemental Security Insurance and Social Security Disability Insurance.

Although suffering from acute arthritis does not ensure you will receive SSD benefits, the medical condition does establish a base line for the SSA to investigate your SSD benefits claim.

Why a Doctor Matters When You File a SSD Claim

Having a doctor by your side is not only crucial for diagnosing and treating acute rheumatoid arthritis, it is also important for when you submit a claim for SSD benefits.

The SSA pays special attention to corroborating statements made by licensed and experienced medical professionals that confirm the diagnosis and treatment of your acute arthritis symptoms.

You should seek a specialist who handles arthritis cases, since the SSA places more emphasis on medical specialist statements than the agency places on the statements made by general medical practitioners.

For acute rheumatoid arthritis, you should provide the SSA with the following medical documentation:

  • Severe pain in a joint such as a hip or knee
  • The need to use a walker to perform basic functions
  • Severe pain in the upper arms that inhibit motor skills
  • Acute fatigue throughout the day
  • High fever
  • Damage to organs that cause life threatening symptoms
  • Unplanned loss of weight
  • Directly related health issues with other body systems

Medical Documents for Arthritis

Some of the tests performed by an arthritis specialist include imaging, blood antibody, and inflammation blood tests.

Like a criminal defense lawyer that presents hard evidence exonerating a client, you also need a licensed lawyer to present evidence to the SSA that proves your SSD benefits claim. An accomplished Social Security lawyer understands the medical documents you need to prevent the SSA from denying your application.

With hundreds of medical conditions listed in the SSA Blue Book, you need the expertise of a Social Security lawyer who can recite the medical documents required for a SSD case. By hiring a Social Security lawyer, you tell the SSA that you are serious about your SSD benefits claim.

Speak with a Social Security lawyer today to start the process of collecting and presenting the medical documents required by the SSA to approve your SSD benefits case.

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