Electronic Disability Folder

Electronic Records Express is an online platform, created by the Social Security Administration (SSA), for submitting and storing the evidence and other records. Your personal electronic disability folder (eDIB) is a way for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to be more organized with your information.

Traditionally, the SSA did everything by paper, but this was time consuming and expensive. Documents and announcements sent electronically save not only the SSA in postage and time, but you as well. You don’t have to worry about anything getting lost in the mail or lost on someone’s desk, because everything is online. Whether you are online or sending it by fax, you’ll get immediate confirmation that the SSA has received it.

This process is also much more convenient for disability examiners and other SSA employees to review your information and come to a decision as fast as possible. The information is easy to find and accessible to everyone in the SSA that needs to see it at once.

Evidence providers, such as doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and others have access to your folder so they can directly upload your medical evidence. Teachers, lawyers, and other representatives also have access to the online folder. This way there is no delay in the SSA receiving necessary documents, so they can review your case sooner.

The SSA assigns each applicant a specific barcode for identification. All uploaded documents must include your personal barcode so the SSA can put them with the correct account. If you don’t have regular access to a computer, you or your representative can fax the documents to the SSA (with the barcode) and you can request a copy of your disability folder.

The eDIB system is free, easy to use, and secure. Only users authorized to review your account are given a username and password to access it. The SSA website also uses other services to ensure its secure. For help, the SSA published a detailed user’s guide of the system.

You need to register if you would like to use the electronic disability folder. To sign up, you can contact the Social Security Electronic Records Express Help Desk at 1-866-691-3061, or visit the Electronic Records Express homepage. If you prefer to do so in person, your local hearing office or the Professional Relations Officer in your state can give you a user ID and password.