How Much Does Disability Pay with End Stage Renal Disease?

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), often called kidney failure, is not likely to get better. As the disease progresses it affects the victim’s way of life to the point that it is not possible to stay in a job. This is when the Social Security Disability Insurance Program (SSDI) may be able to help by providing SSDI benefits. Many victims of ESRD will eventually get their SSDI benefits claim approved but this is not always the case. ESRD is covered in section 6.00 in the blue book. The effects of ESRD are:

  • Severe bone pain;
  • Numbness, tingling, weakness in muscles,
  • Pain in many parts of the body
  • Appetite loss, nausea, unexpected weight loss
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Shortness in breath
  • Fluid build-up in the abdomen
  • swelling in legs and arms
  • Fluid build-up in the lungs.

Eligibility for Social Security Disability (SSDI) Benefits for End Stage Renal Disease

To start the SSDI benefits process you need to be able to provide your medical records showing how the disease has progressed. Statements in the blue book state that in order to be approved for SSDI benefits anyone with end stage renal disease is required to provide lab blood results including the following:

  • Serum creatinine;
  • Estimate of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR);
  • Serum albumin;
  • BUN;
  • X-rays, CAT scans, MRIs, or ultrasounds that show ESRD.
  • Urine tests
  • Bone or kidney biopsy.

If you have any other medical evidence that proves your ESRD is preventing you from going to work the SSA will use it to help it arrive at a decision in relation to SSDI benefit payments. If despite the evidence you have provided the SSA denies your claim for SSDI benefits you may still be eligible for financial help from the SSA. The agency will ask you to undertake a residual functioning capacity (RFC) assessment so that the SSA can decide how much your impairment is limiting your ability to take on work for at least the next 12 months.

How Much Does Disability Pay with End Stage Renal Disease?

Applying For SSDI Benefits and How Much You May Receive for End Stage Renal Disease

SSDI benefits awarded will depend on the amount of money you have earned and paid into the Social Security system. Any prior and recent earnings and how many dependants you have in your household will help decide on your SSDI payments. All SSDI benefit applicants are asset tested before any decision on awarding benefits is made. Your own home and one vehicle aren’t treated as assets. SSI is an option if you cannot get SSDI benefits. You can’t have a monthly income of more than $2,000 or, for a couple, $3,000, to qualify for SSI and in the end it is worth $967 per month as of 2025.

You May Need to Hire A Disability Lawyer to Help You with Your ESRD Claim

Because end stage renal disease is listed in the Blue Book being eligible for SSDI benefits is not quite so difficult. The success rate for winning an SSDI claim is not high so it is a good ideas to get a disability lawyer to help you win your claim.

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