Lewy body dementia is one of more than 200 medical conditions that automatically qualify you for disability benefits. The key to qualifying for disability benefits by using the Compassionate Allowance list is to have the severe symptoms that often accompany the medical condition, as well as submit compelling medical evidence to the SSA.
Going through the Social Security disability benefits process can be frustrating, especially if you have severe Lewy body dementia symptoms. Not only does the claim process take months to unfold, but the Social Security Administration (SSA) also requires a significant amount of evidence to approve a claim. However, you can avoid the disability claim process by receiving financial assistance through the Compassionate Allowance Initiative.
What You Need to Know About the Compassionate Allowance List
Established in 2008 by the SSA, the Compassionate Allowance list allows disability benefits applicants to bypass the regular claim submission process. Designed to assist severely disabled American workers, Compassionate Allowance expedites the claim process to help workers receive the financial assistance they need to pay medical bills and daily living expenses. The program also helps the SSA reduce the large number of backlogged cases that leave applicants waiting for a response from the agency for months on end.
If your Lewy body dementia symptoms have developed serious medical consequences, Compassionate Allowance offers five features that you do not get by going through the typical claim process.
- Much quicker approval
- No delay for Medicare benefits after the normal waiting period
- Same application for benefits
- Prompt payments
- Possible eligibility for retroactive benefits
The much quicker approval process allows you to concentrate on learning new job skills, while not having to worry about meeting financial obligations.
Getting Your Compassionate Allowance for Lewy Body Dementia Approved
Resembling the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, the symptoms of Lewy body dementia have distinct traits that make the disease a unique classification under the Compassionate Allowance Initiative. To qualify for expedited financial assistance from the SSA, you must present evidence that you suffer from hallucinations, dramatic body movement changes, and REM sleep behavior disorder. Patients that have Lewy body dementia can also have a serious reaction to medications, which means physicians have to achieve a fine balance when approving prescriptions to treat the disease. Make sure to keep every medication prescription receipt to receive compensation.
Submit Persuasive Medical Evidence
Like the claim you submit for Social Security disability benefits, getting fast track approval for Compassionate Allowance requires you to submit convincing medical evidence. Although there is not a specific test that diagnoses the disease, your doctor can conduct several medical tests that rule out the presence of other debilitating medical conditions that diminish cognitive abilities.
Your physician should submit the results of tests that cover the following physical attributes:
- Strength
- Reflexes
- Muscle tone
- Balance
- Walking ability
- Eye movements
The balance and walking ability tests do the best job of confirming the symptoms of Lewy body dementia.
A test that takes no more than 10 minutes should provide the SSA with evidence of your mental capacity. Other tests that can bolster your case for Compassionate Allowance include blood tests, brain scans, and a heart test. A heart test, which goes by the name myocardial scintigraphy, checks the flow of blood to the heart that indicates the presence of Lewy body dementia symptoms.
Get Help For Your Claim
Working with an experienced Social Security disability benefits lawyer may help you qualify for Compassionate Allowance. To get in contact with a participating, independent attorney who subscribes to our website, fill out the Free Case Evaluation on this page.