Blog posts

September: Pain Awareness Month

Submitted by Deanna on

According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, about 100 million American experience chronic pain issues. Many of these individuals are still in their prime employment years when pain symptoms begin to hinder the ability to work and earn a steady living. When this happens, disability benefits from the Social Security Administration may be an option.

What Internet Accessibility Tools Could I use to Apply for Benefits?

Submitted by Deanna on

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers a number of online accessibility tools that can help you avoid unnecessary trips to the Social Security field office. If you have mental and/or physical limitations that make it difficult to get around, communicate, or interact with others, these online tools can make the disability application process more expedient and less difficult process for you.

Is There any Option Other Than Appealing a Denied Application?

Submitted by Deanna on

If you’ve been denied disability benefits, then you have to make a quick decision about how to proceed. The Social Security Administration (SSA) only gives you a few days to decide if you’re going to appeal, and failing to respond in time will get your claim permanently dismissed.

Disability benefits from the SSA offer income you can count on for paying bills, covering medical costs, and dealing with everyday living expenses. Filing an appeal is only one option for what to do if you’ve been denied though.