What Type of Benefit is Social Security Disability Insurance?

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Social Security Disability Insurance is a federal program run by the Social Security Administration (SSA). It can help provide eligibility for a monthly benefit paid to workers who are no longer able to work due to a disabling condition.

Eligibility is based on the number of work credits the claimant has accumulated while working. If there are no work credits the applicant may qualify for disability benefits under Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is calculated based on the value of the applicant’s income and assets.

What is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?

SSDI is a federal program where workers earn coverage for disability benefits by paying into Social Security contributions through their earnings during the time they have worked. It provides monthly benefits for disabled workers and their dependents including a spouse and children.

How Do You Qualify For SSDI?

The most important feature for qualifying for SSDI is whether the applicant’s medical condition is so severe that he or she will be unable to work for at least 12 months. When determining eligibility for SSDI, the SSA prefers that the medical condition can be found listed in their Blue Book. On top of these two requirements accruing sufficient work credits through federal tax contributions is necessary too.

Since 1978, you may earn up to a maximum of 4 credits annually. The amount of earnings it takes to earn one credit may change year by year. In 2025, you earn 1 Social Security credit for every $1,810 in covered earnings every year. You need to earn $7,240 to get the maximum of 4 credits allowed each year. To be eligible for disability benefits, you must meet a recent work test and a duration work test.

The number of credits necessary to meet the recent work test depends on your age. Before the age of 24 you may qualify if you have 6 credits that you have earned in the 3-year period which ends when your disability begins.

Between the ages 24 and 31 years you may qualify if you have some credit for working 50 percent of the time between age 21 and the time your disability started. For example, if you develop a disability at the age of 27 years you will require 3 years of work (12 credits) out of the last 6 years between the ages of 21 and 27.

For those who are aged 31 years or older you need to have at least 20 credits accumulated in the 10-year period immediately before your disability began.

The important way of winning a disability benefits claim is providing sufficient medical evidence that proves you are suffering from a disability that will prevent you from working for at least 12 months.

What Type of Benefit is Social Security Disability Insurance?

Get Help From an SSDI Lawyer

It is never easy to win a disability benefits claim as the SSA will deny a claim if the medical evidence fails to support the claim. However, requesting help from a participating, independent lawyer who subscribes to the website with a Free Case Evaluation may help to get you the SSDI you deserve.