Can You Run Out of Disability Benefits?

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Navigating the requirements for disability benefits is often complex and one common concern is whether these benefits can expire. Disability benefits can expire based on various factors, such as changes in employment status, or exceeding the maximum allowable income as could be the case for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and SSI may undergo periodic reviews to assess eligibility. Improvements in the beneficiary’s health condition or ability to work could lead to benefits being stopped. Staying informed about eligibility criteria is also crucial to avoid interruptions in support from disability benefits.

Understanding Disability Benefits Limits

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are two key disability benefits programs in the United States, each of which serves a distinct purpose and eligibility criteria.

SSDI provides benefits to individuals who have worked and paid Social Security taxes, but can’t work due to a disability. Eligibility is based on work history and disability status. The amount of SSDI benefits is determined by the recipient's past earnings, and beneficiaries may also qualify to receive additional benefits for dependents.

SSI is a needs-based program that gives financial assistance to disabled individuals with limited income and resources, regardless of their work history. Eligibility is based on financial need, disability status, and age (65 or older). SSI benefits can vary by state due to differences in cost of living and additional state supplements.

SSDI eligibility requires sufficient work history, payment of Social Security taxes, and inability to work for a minimum of 12 months due to a recognized disability. Both programs assess medical evidence to determine disability status.

Disability benefits aren’t calculated in the same way for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSDI benefits rely on past earnings, with a formula that is used to determine the monthly payment. SSI payments are fixed by federal law and are sometimes supplemented by a few states. Benefits are usually distributed each month via direct deposit or a mailed check. Recipients are compelled to report income changes or health improvements, which could affect benefit amounts.

Can Disability Benefits Expire?

Yes, disability benefits can expire under some circumstances. The concept of "medical improvement expected" (MIE) is a key factor in determining whether disability benefits for a beneficiary continues or ends. If the Social Security Administration (SSA) expects a recipient's medical condition to improve based on medical evidence, they may conduct a regular review to assess if the recipient is still eligible for disability benefits.

If the SSA determines that there has been medical improvement that is good enough for the individual to take part in substantial gainful activity (SGA), disability benefits may be stopped. However, if the medical improvement is not that substantial and doesn’t allow the person to work, benefits will likely continue.

Recipients are usually told in advance of a review that may require updated medical information. Understanding MIE helps recipients get ready for any potential benefits review and ensures compliance with SSA regulations.

What Happens When Disability Benefits End?

There are several routes to pursue if your benefits are stopped. These include:

  • transitioning from disability benefits to other forms of assistance if you haven’t reached retirement age;
  • engaging in programs that are available to assist individuals to return to work;
  • understanding your options and seeking legal advice;
  • transitioning straight to retirement benefits if you have reached retirement age.

How to Avoid Running Out of Disability Benefits

To avoid running out of disability benefits, manage finances wisely by budgeting and avoiding unnecessary expenses. Keep track of benefit payments and understand eligibility requirements. If your medical condition has improved and you are able to work it's likely your disability benefits will be stopped once you have been offered a position. You should ensure you keep some of your last disability payments before you receive your first wages, so you don’t run out of money.

Tips for managing your benefits and finances

  1. Utilize resources like financial counseling services and budgeting tools tailored specifically for individuals with disabilities.
  2. Stay informed about changes in policies that may affect disability benefits and seek legal advice if your entitlement to disability benefits is at risk.
  3. Maintain thorough medical records that support continued eligibility.
  4. Explore vocational rehabilitation programs to enhance employability if you are able to do so.
  5. Communicate with the Social Security Administration promptly regarding any concerns or changes in circumstances to ensure uninterrupted support.

Steps to Take If You Believe Your Benefits Are at Risk

  • Carefully read any communication from the Social Security Administration (SSA) regarding your benefits. Understand the reason for the potential risk.
  • Collect medical records, doctor's reports, and any other relevant documents supporting your disability status. This evidence can strengthen your case during the review process.
  • Reach out to the SSA promptly to discuss your concerns. Ask for clarification on why your benefits are at risk and inquire about the appeals process if necessary.
  • Consider consulting with a disability attorney or advocate who can provide guidance on your rights and help navigate the appeals process.
  • If you disagree with the SSA's decision, file an appeal within the specified timeframe.
  • Stay updated on your case status and any changes in disability benefits policies.
  • Keep records of all communications and documents related to your case.
  • Investigate other sources of financial assistance or support services available to individuals with disabilities in case your benefits are temporarily suspended or terminated.

Speak With a Disability Attorney

Fill out the Free Case Evaluation to get connected with an independent disability attorney who subscribes to the website and may be able to answer any questions you have about disability benefits.