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How does the SSA evaluate diabetes?

Submitted by Ram on

Less than two years ago the SSA eliminated its Blue Book listings involving endocrine disorders. The Blue Book is what adjudicators refer to when processing a claim for Social Security Disability benefits. When an applicant has a condition that is listed in the Blue Book, it is much easier to qualify for benefits than if their disability is not included in the publication. Unfortunately, as of June 7, 2011, the SSA no longer provides qualifying criteria for endocrine disorders.

Preparing Yourself for the Flu Season

Submitted by Ram on

Flu season gets into full swing as fall approaches. Influenza or flu is a disease that is dreaded by everyone. It makes its victim bedridden for days, and in severe cases, it even results in hospitalization.

Flu can be caught by anyone but the most vulnerable victims include kids, pregnant women, elderly, healthcare workers, and people with weak immune systems.

Common influenza symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • A runny or stuffy nose
  • Sore throat or cough
  • Headaches or body aches
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

You can’t always dodge flu; however, there are many simple measures you can take in order to reduce the risk of catching it. Do not allow the flu to spoil your winters. Take action now.

Keep Your Hands Clean

This might seem like an obvious advice, but it is crucial. You might not be sanitizing or washing them as much as one should. Perilous flu germs could be present anywhere, so washing hands and sanitizing them should not be reserved only for restroom trips. When you are out in public places, especially on public transport or in a grocery store using the shopping cart, be very careful about keeping your hands clean.

Keep Your Surroundings Clean

Just like your hands, it is crucial to keep your workspace and living area as hygienic as possible. Make sure you change your bed sheets regularly. You often unknowingly bring germs into your home. Aiming to keep your living environment clean will help you get rid of them. Also, make sure that you keep your phone, mouse, and keyboard well sanitized, since these are common places for germs to dwell.

Flu Shot Will Help

Get a flu shot and be protected from several flu strains. However, remember that flu shots do not keep you safe from all kinds of flu strains, so the possibility of catching flu still remains.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating not just benefits your waistline, but it also strengthens your immune system which shields you from illnesses such as the influenza. It might be tempting to gorge on luscious food during the holiday season in winters, you should still try to curb your urges and eat healthy. Avoid heavily processed foods and sugary sodas. Make fruits and veggies a part of your everyday diet to help keep illnesses at bay.

Vitamins Help You Fight Flu

Consuming vitamins regularly helps in boosting your immune system greatly. Nutritional vitamins help in combating the flu even when you don’t eat healthy always. You can either take a multivitamin table, as prescribed by your GP, or you can take Vitamin A, C, and zinc, which help in making the immune system strong.

Apart from the above mentioned tips, you can stay protected from the flu by consuming a lot of water, by staying warm and not exposing yourself to damp and cold weather, and by getting a good night’s sleep.

Use these flu season tips and stay healthy. When you start experiencing flu like symptoms, consult your doctor right away.

Unfortunately, the flu does not qualify for disability benefits. However, if you have a more serious condition and want to know whether or not you qualify for benefits, click here.

Tips for Getting Around in the Snow

Submitted by Ram on

Walking in snow isn’t easy for anyone, and it is especially difficult for people with limited mobility. When the snow has fallen recently, it is crunchy and doesn’t pose too many problems, but when it melts partially, it can get highly slippery. This gives rise to walking problems for everyone, particularly for the disabled. Here are some tips for disabled people to walk on the snowy ground.

Tips to Keep your Dental Health in Good Condition

Submitted by Ram on

Kids are mostly lazy when it comes to oral hygiene. While regular dentist checkups are good for oral care, there is a lot more that needs to be done to have perfect teeth and gums. This February is Children's Dental Hygiene Awareness Month. Make sure your kids follow proper dental hygiene and have good oral health.

Here are some tips that would help you keep your kids’ gums and teeth in perfect condition:

Brush twice daily

We all know it, but do we make our kids follow it? It is a good practice to brush before going to sleep and after waking up; and if possible, after each meal. Also, make sure that your kid flosses his teeth. While most people skip flossing because it is plain boring, it is actually very important as it pulls out food debris and plaque from between the teeth.

Brush in the right way

Teach your child the right way to brush his teeth. Make sure he does not brush too hard or too soft. Also, the correct way to brush is in circular motion. If your child is too young to brush on his own, sit him on your lap so that he doesn’t wriggle much. Once he gets older, you can stand beside him.

Get braces if required

If your kid’s teeth are crooked, it is best to get him braces at an early age. Braces are essential tools to help your child get the right bite. Also, they make it easy for him to clean his teeth. Braces used to be unattractive a few years back, but with advanced technology, there are different types of braces that you can use. You need to talk to your dentist to know the type that would be best for your child. Braces give long term effects, and their use is not limited to just the aesthetic factor. In fact, wearing them can also have a fashion appeal. And if your kid doesn’t support the idea of braces, you can get Invisalign braces that can be worn and removed each day.

Avoid sodas and other soft drinks

Sodas will rot away your child’s teeth before you know it. The carbon dioxide present in soda is bad for teeth as it eats away the tooth enamel. Also, these drinks are loaded with sugar. Sugar supports the growth of plaque which gives rise to several gum diseases like gingivitis. Plus they are made with tons of chemicals which makes them unhealthy. There are several reasons why your kids shouldn't drink soft drinks. Prefer fresh juices instead.

Apart from all these tips, keep an eye on your child’s eating habits. Make sure he is not eating a lot of sweets. Also, get a dental checkup every six months. It’s a good way to make sure that he has proper oral hygiene and good dental health.

Dental health and social security disability

Although it is very rare for dental health issues to qualify for disability, it is not unheard of. If you are wondering whether your dental health problems qualify for SSD benefits, fill out the form on this site for a free evaluation.