CM's blog

What To Include When Applying For SSDI

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They say the proof is in the pudding and for receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), the proof is in the form of medical and non-medical documents. When you apply for SSDI, you need to include evidence of your medical condition, as well as proof of income and earned work credits.

SSDI applications without the proper documentation come back denied by the SSA.

What Should I Include In My Compassionate Allowance Claim?

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Up until recently, the Social Security Administration (SSA) operated on the principle of treating every Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claim the same.

This meant the most urgent claims received the same scrutiny within the same period as less urgent disability claims. For example, an SSDI applicant that suffers from terminal lung cancer receives the same treatment from the SSA as an applicant that files a disability claim for carpal tunnel syndrome.

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

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More than 56,000 Americans will receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Of all different kinds of cancer, pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rates.

When more people recognize the symptoms and understand who is more likely to develop this cancer, early detection can occur and that can lead to a better outcome for the patient. November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, which is to bring awareness for the disease and to encourage early detection.

April 7-14 is Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Week

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The Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, supported by the American Academy of Otolaryngology, organize a weeklong series of events to promote an awareness of oral, head, and neck cancer.

The weeklong event includes a day of free cancer screenings offered in different areas across the U.S. About 550,000 new cases of oral, head and neck cancer are diagnosed around the world every year.