Social Security Disability - Medical Documents by Condition

If you or a family member have been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition, you might be wondering what kinds of medical evidence you will need to collect before submitting a disability claim. Medical evidence and documentation can be anything from a physical examination, to mental health records and reports of imaging studies.

Preparing and submitting sufficient medical evidence from your doctors can greatly increase your chances of getting a faster determination on your claim from the Social Security Administration. This medical documentation validates your application and proves to the Social Security Administration that you are, in fact, disabled.

Filing a claim with the SSA to receive Social Security Disability benefits can help pay for your costly medical bills. However, it's important to provide the SSA with sufficient hard evidence that your condition has irrevocably altered your lifestyle.

Legal Help From a Social Security Disability Lawyer

The disability application process can be tedious. Initial claims are often denied due to lack of proper medical evidence and documents. A Social Security disability lawyer can ease the application process and make sure your application is well supported. As you visit different specialists, an attorney will know what paperwork to save to increase your chances of a successful claim. Completing the Free Disability Evaluation will connect you with a lawyer equipped to help you with your application.

Below you will find helpful information on the medical documents you will need based on your specific condition.

Medical Documents Needed by Condition