Detailed Earnings Query (DEQY)

DEQY is an acronym for Detailed Earnings Query. This query is a report that you can request from the Social Security Administration (SSA). This report displays your earnings information from each employer that you have worked for during your work history. You can request this report at your local Social Security Office or online at the SSA’s website. When you receive the report, it will display your earnings information for each employer that you have worked for as well as other personal information, such as your name, gender, social security number and the EIN of your employer and/or employers.

A Detailed Earnings Query displays a variety of information aside from your covered wage information. Information regarding self-employment income, Medicare details, pension information, railroad employment data, special wage payment details and the address of your present employer as well as the addresses of any past employers will also be included in this report.

If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, you can obtain a copy of your DEQY to verify your eligibility for SSDI benefits. This report may also be taken into consideration when you are appealing a denial of benefits at a disability hearing before an administrative law judge. The report must be requested, however, as it will not automatically be provided for your appeal needs.

The information that the DEQY report contains will be able to help you detail your employment history. This employment history can be important to your disability case and may be able to help you obtain the disability benefits that you are trying to obtain.