Compassionate Allowance - Small Cell Lung Cancer

When you are diagnosed with cancer, your world may be turned upside down. It might be difficult to know who to turn to and what to do. Sometimes you may only have a short time available and don’t want to spend that time worrying about medical bills and general finances. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has recognized the problems facing you and others in similar situations. This is why they have created the Compassionate Allowances. The Compassionate Allowances are a group of rare and serious disorders that automatically qualify a person for SSA disability benefits.

It has been shown that these particular disorders can be so severe that the majority of people with them need help as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances, the process of applying for disability benefits can be a long one. It usually takes about three to six months to complete the course of action, and then you will still have to wait even longer to start collecting your benefits. If you have a disease listed under the Compassionate Allowances, on the other hand, you will be subjected to a much shorter process, normally lasting only a few weeks. After you have been approved you will be able to start collecting your benefits right away, typically when the next benefit cycle starts.

Small Cell Lung Cancer – Condition and Symptoms

Small Cell Lung Cancer is an aggressive and quick-spreading form of Lung Cancer. It first forms in the tissues of the lungs and can often spread to other parts of the body. Approximately 15% of all Lung Cancer cases are of the Small Cell variety. This type of Lung Cancer is almost always due to smoking cigarettes or tobacco in some form, or being in regular contact with second-hand smoke. It is very rare to find a case of Small Cell Lung Cancer where the patient is not a smoker.

Small Cell Lung Cancer is the most destructive form of Lung Cancer. It normally starts in the bronchi at the center of the chest. The cancer cells are small but quickly grow to create rather large tumors. These tumors usually metastasize, or spread, to other parts of the body. They are often found in the brain, bone and liver.

Symptoms of Small Cell Lung Cancer include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain and bloody phlegm. Patients may also present with difficulty swallowing, fever, hoarse voice or facial swelling. Because these symptoms are similar to other common conditions, especially if you are a regular smoker, the cancer is usually not diagnosed until after it has already spread to other parts of the body.

The only possibility of a cure for this disease is surgery to remove the tumor from the lung. Unfortunately, because the disease is not usually diagnosed until the later stages when it has spread through the body, surgery is rarely an option. Treatment involves chemotherapy, taken orally or injected in to the body, and radiation therapy. However, these treatments are only to relieve the symptoms, not to cure the cancer. Oftentimes, Small Cell Lung Cancer has already reached the brain when diagnosed, even though there may be no signs of it. Therefore, for those patients who have already responded well to chemotherapy, cranial radiation may be suggested.

Small Cell Lung Cancer is an extremely deadly type of cancer, and the prognosis for it is quite poor. Approximately 6% of people are still living 5 years after being diagnosed with this sort of Lung Cancer. Treatment is sometimes able to extend life for 6-12 months, even when the cancer has already metastasized.

Filing for Social Security Disability with Small Cell Lung Cancer

If you have been diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer you are allowed to file for Social Security disability benefits under the Compassionate Allowances act. This means you can go through an expedited process and start to receive your benefits a lot sooner than normal. This can bring some relief to you when it comes to concern over your financial situation. Although you can feel confident that you will be approved for benefits, it never hurts to get in touch with a Social Security disability lawyer. Cases often become delayed or are denied because of improper documentation.

The documentation needed when filing for benefits with Small Cell Lung Cancer is a pathology report of a lung biopsy.

Your Small Cell Lung Cancer Social Security Disability Case

Even when you have a condition that is listed as a Compassionate Allowance, it is still in your best interest to contact a Social Security disability lawyer. They can review your case and reassure you that you have the correct medical documents, and that your paperwork is all in order. You don’t want your case to be denied because of a small error, making the wait time longer to receive the benefits you deserve.